Read more about the article Overweight Hiker Too Large To Carry Rescued by Chopper
Pic shows: SMURD officers rescue the man This is the moment mountain rescuers lift a nearly 300-lb tourist to safety using a helicopter after he slipped and fell.

Overweight Hiker Too Large To Carry Rescued by Chopper

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@SalvamontNeamt This is the moment mountain rescuers use a helicopter to rescue a 300-lb tourist because he was too heavy to carry down the mountain. The incident took place around the Cheahlau Massif in Neamts County, in north-eastern Romania when the unnamed…

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Read more about the article Moment Cat And Sly Fox Battle Over Sausage On Ground
Pic Shows: Cat and fox fought for a piece of sausage; This is the moment a fox and a cat battles over a sausage on the ground with the cunning fox eventually winning out.

Moment Cat And Sly Fox Battle Over Sausage On Ground

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN/@vide0_pikabu This is the moment a fox and a cat battles over a sausage on the ground with the cunning canine eventually winning out. The incident was filmed on the Yamal Peninsula in the north-western Russian region of Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, and…

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Read more about the article Scantily-Dressed Student Poses With Gun By Monastery
Pic shows: Alexandra In Front Of The Monastery A pretty student has been slammed by church leaders as “blasphemous” after posing outside a famous monastery while scantily dressed and brandishing a rifle.

Scantily-Dressed Student Poses With Gun By Monastery

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  This pretty student has been slammed by church leaders as “blasphemous” after posing outside a famous monastery full of monks while scantily dressed and brandishing a rifle. The student, identified as Alexandra B. from the village of Ciolanu in the south-eastern Romanian county of…

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Read more about the article Tug-Of-War Girl, 8, Happy With New Life In US
Pic shows: Sorina with parents An eight-year-old girl adopted by a family in the US has told her former Romanian foster family who raised her for eight years to “stop talking nonsense” after they launched a custody case.

Tug-Of-War Girl, 8, Happy With New Life In US

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  The eight-year-old girl who was adopted by a family in the US has told the Romanian foster family who raised her for eight years and fighting to have her returned that she is “very happy” in America and wants to stay there. According to…

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Read more about the article Fraudster Posing As UK Surgeon Charged
Pic Shows: Matteo Politi posed as a renowned and highly qualified British surgeon; ROMANIA: A convicted fraudster has reportedly faked documents to pose as a world-renowned British plastic surgeon and perform operations as well as giving lectures.

Fraudster Posing As UK Surgeon Charged

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  A Catch Me If You Can fraudster has been charged in Romania after he was exposed using faked documents to pose as a world-renowned British plastic surgeon and perform operations, without anyone noticing. But in reality he had not even graduated from high school…

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