Read more about the article Charlie Chaplin Projected Onto Building In Lockdown
Pic Shows: The man began showing neighbors silent movies on the front of the house; This moment a classic Charlie Chaplin film is projected onto the side of a Russian building as residents try to keep each other entertained in the coronavirus lockdown.

Charlie Chaplin Projected Onto Building In Lockdown

CEN/@polosinevo A locked-down man turned the apartment block across from him into an outdoor cinema showing a classic Charlie Chaplin film to entertain his neighbours. The scene was recorded in the city of Kazan in the western Russian Republic of Tatarstan after local resident Dmitry Polosin decided to cheer up…

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Read more about the article Russian Doctors Save 8 COVID Patients In Italy Hospital
Pic Shows: Russian military doctors treated eight patients with coronavirus in Italy; Russian military doctors have helped to save the lives of eight COVID-19 patients in an Italian hospital.

Russian Doctors Save 8 COVID Patients In Italy Hospital

CEN/ Russian military doctors have helped to save the lives of eight COVID-19 patients in an Italian hospital. Russia has been sending medical aid and teams of virologists and other experts to Italy for several weeks, and military doctors in the northern Italian city of Bergamo have reportedly helped to…

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Read more about the article COVID Village Schoolkids Study On Mway To Get Internet
Pic Shows: Schoolchildren and students had to go to the highway to catch the Internet and do lessons; This is the moment a schoolgirl does her homework on the backseat of a car because parents in the remote Russian village have to drive to the nearby motorway to receive an internet signal.

COVID Village Schoolkids Study On Mway To Get Internet

Newsflash/18 Uzhas This is the moment a village schoolgirl does her homework in a car on the side of the motorway as her parents must drive there and wait all day so she can receive internet signal amid the COVID-19 lockdown. The unnamed student hails from the small village of…

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Read more about the article Woman Hits Satanic Buddhist Shrine With Sledgehammer
Pic Shows: Woman with a sledgehammer attacked a "satanic" Buddhist stupa; This is the moment a Russian woman hits a Buddhist monument with a sledgehammer and spits on it claiming it is “Satanic”.

Woman Hits Satanic Buddhist Shrine With Sledgehammer

Newsflash/@live_kras This is the moment a Russian woman hits a Buddhist monument with a sledgehammer and spits on it claiming it is “Satanic”. The bizarre incident took place at a Buddhist stupa in the village of Sukhaya Balka in Emelyanovsky District located in the Krasnoyarsk Krai region in southern Russia.…

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Read more about the article Lorry Driver Killed by COVID Did Not Believe It Was Real
Pic Shows: Marian Giurea; A Romanian lorry driver who believed COVID-19 was media hype and that it was no more dangerous than the common cold has died from the disease.

Lorry Driver Killed by COVID Did Not Believe It Was Real

A Romanian lorry driver who believed COVID-19 was media hype and that it was no more dangerous than the common cold has died from the disease. CEN/@marian.giurea.127 Marian Giurea, 47, travelled all over Europe as a lorry driver and on 17th of March, he told his Facebook followers he did…

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