Read more about the article Mayor Says Phallic Wooden Sculpture Is Asparagus
Mysterious metal monolith, similar to the one found in Utah, was discovered near an ancient Dacian fortress in Romania. (Stiri Piatra Neamt/Newsflash)

Mayor Says Phallic Wooden Sculpture Is Asparagus

Two wooden 'penis' sculptures located at a distance of over 370 miles away from each other have emerged in Germany over the weekend with one a complete mystery and the second reportedly an asparagus sculpture according to its creator. The first mysterious wooden 'penis' that popped up on a pathway…

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Read more about the article Man Kills Wife And Two Young Daughters Before Setting House On Fire And Burning To Death
Frank Robers, 47, from the city of Bremen in Germany and his family who he allegedly murdered. (Antje Robers/Newsflash)

Man Kills Wife And Two Young Daughters Before Setting House On Fire And Burning To Death

A German dad in what friends and relatives described as the ideal family has apparently murdered his wife and two young daughters before starting a blaze and lying alongside his wife's body on a bed before also being claimed by the flames. Frank Robers, 47, from the German city of…

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Read more about the article Three German Patients Die Of Thrombosis After AstraZeneca Vaccine
Klaus Cichutek, President of the Paul Ehrlich Institute, who confirmed the thrombosis deaths in the German capital Berlin. (Newsflash)

Three German Patients Die Of Thrombosis After AstraZeneca Vaccine

Three of the seven German citizens who developed thrombosis after receiving an AstraZeneca shot have died. Klaus Cichutek, president of the Paul Erlich Institute (PEI), confirmed the thrombosis deaths in the German capital Berlin on Monday evening. Cichutek, who previously recommended a suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine, said: "We have…

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Read more about the article Boy Racer Who Crashed McLaren Killing Teenage Girl Appeals For A Lower Sentence
The victim Gina P. (18) who died on 20th March 2019 in Essen, after Lars D. (25) caused a serious accident with his McLaren. (Newsflash)

Boy Racer Who Crashed McLaren Killing Teenage Girl Appeals For A Lower Sentence

A boy racer with a millionaire dad who walked free with a suspended sentence after he killed this beautiful young teenage girl whilst speeding in his rented luxury sports car at 180 mph has ordered his lawyers to have it reduced. Lars D, 25, from the city of Essen in…

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Read more about the article German Burlesque Star Turned Vaccine Worker Devastated Over AstraZeneca Withdrawal
Picture shows Eve Champagne, 36, from the German city of Hamburg, who has been helping at the Hamburg vaccination centre since 15th February after the COVID-19 lockdown cut short her job as a Burlesque dancer. (@Eve_Champagne/Newsflash)

German Burlesque Star Turned Vaccine Worker Devastated Over AstraZeneca Withdrawal

A German Burlesque performer and vaccination centre volunteer has shared her frustration now that she and her colleagues have been ordered to stand down following the country's AstraZeneca withdrawal. After losing her job as a Burlesque performer in the district of St. Pauli due to lockdown, Eve Champagne, 36, from…

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