German Burlesque Star Turned Vaccine Worker Devastated Over AstraZeneca Withdrawal

Story By: Georgina Jadikovska, Sub-Editor: Marija Stojkoska, Agency: Newsflash

A German Burlesque performer and vaccination centre volunteer has shared her frustration now that she and her colleagues have been ordered to stand down following the country’s AstraZeneca withdrawal.

After losing her job as a Burlesque performer in the district of St. Pauli due to lockdown, Eve Champagne, 36, from the German city of Hamburg, has been helping at the Hamburg vaccination centre since 15th February.

But following the suspension of the AstraZeneca vaccine in Germany due to possible side effects, all vaccination appointments with the British shot were cancelled in Hamburg.


Eve Champagne said on Twitter: “Dude, seriously? AstraZeneca has been withdrawn? The third wave is just around the corner!”

She added: “And goodbye, dear colleagues from half of the vaccination centre, have a nice evening. See you whenever I meet you again…”

Her second tweet said she noticed more people suffering haemorrhages from getting stressed about the vaccine than the vaccine itself which she also had happily accepted for herself. She continued: “I’m amazed that there is so much scaremongering, I can’t fight this craziness on my own.”


Eve Champagne began her work at the vaccination centre after the COVID-19 lockdown cut short her job as a Burlesque dancer.

She regularly reported on the vaccination centre welcoming over 4,000 people on a daily basis.

In an earlier post, Eve made a confession about her job at the vaccination centre saying: “After a year I am so happy to have had so many people around me in one day. Vaccination party!”


On Tuesday she said: “When I worked in an asparagus field in spring 2020, I received a lot of recognition because the harvest workers stayed away. Now that I work in the vaccination centre, I am reaping hatred.”

However, she stated that she helps “those in need of help and also those who don’t want help” because she is “a doer”.

Eve Champagne did not make any comments on what her plans are now the AstraZeneca vaccine has been temporarily withdrawn.

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