Read more about the article Jealous Wife Buries Cleaver In Head Of Hubbys Pregnant Second Wife
Picture shows the victim, six months pregnant, who was allegedly attacked by her husband's ex-wife in the village of Umrah, Egypt. (Newsflash)

Jealous Wife Buries Cleaver In Head Of Hubbys Pregnant Second Wife

An Egyptian woman has buried a rusty old meat cleaver into the forehead of her husband’s pregnant second wife after chopping off three fingers. Despite the horrific injury, the cleaver was successfully extracted from the victim’s head at Sohag University Hospital in the city of Sohag in the Egyptian governorate…

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Read more about the article ist Politician Who Preaches Purity and Chastity Dances with Busty Blonde Actress
The post of the Tunisian artist Meriem Ben Moulehem thanking the Tunisian Shaikh Abdelfattah Mourou for attending her engagement party. (Newsflash)

ist Politician Who Preaches Purity and Chastity Dances with Busty Blonde Actress

An Islamist politician who once gave a reception to visiting preacher Wagdy Ghoneim - who was kicked out of the UK in 2009 for “seeking to foment, justify or glory terrorist violence” - has been accused of hypocrisy after he was spotted dancing with a busty blonde actress. Abdelfattah Mourou,…

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Read more about the article Muslim Man Returns Italian Journalists Lost Work And His Good Deed Goes Viral
A post by the Italian journalist Nicolo Piacentino telling his story about the Egyptian man Ahmed Kamal who helped him to get his bag back. (Newsflash)

Muslim Man Returns Italian Journalists Lost Work And His Good Deed Goes Viral

A Muslim man in Italy has been praised for returning a journalist’s dropped backpack containing his laptop and life’s work and refusing to accept a reward. Italian journalist Nicolo Piacentino was travelling on his motorbike with the backpack when it fell off unnoticed, and he only realised when he arrived…

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Read more about the article Islamist Politician Who Preaches Purity and Chastity Dances with Busty Blonde Actress
The post of the Tunisian artist Meriem Ben Moulehem thanking the Tunisian Shaikh Abdelfattah Mourou for attending her engagement party. (Newsflash)

Islamist Politician Who Preaches Purity and Chastity Dances with Busty Blonde Actress

An Islamist politician who once gave a reception to visiting preacher Wagdy Ghoneim - who was kicked out of the UK in 2009 for “seeking to foment, justify or glory terrorist violence” - has been accused of hypocrisy after he was spotted dancing with a busty blonde actress. Abdelfattah Mourou,…

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Read more about the article Smart-Clothes Monitor Kids Vital Signs If In Danger And Send Data To Parents
The Moroccan inventor Anis Kirama (left) designs a smart shirt to protect children from kidnapping. (@aniskiramaofficielle/Newsflash)

Smart-Clothes Monitor Kids Vital Signs If In Danger And Send Data To Parents

Clothes that monitors children’s vital signs and raise the alarm if they are in difficulty - even sending audio and location details back to the parents - has been developed by a Moroccan electronics firm in the wake of a shocking local kidnapping. The ‘smart shirts’ have sensors that can…

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