A young alcoholic who found God and became a glamorous Christian preacher has said she feels devastated after a sex tape from her former life was leaked online.

Teary Karla Miotto took to social media on 17th May to reveal that a fellow preacher had shared the compromising footage of her with a former lover on social media.
The Brazilian said that she was going to report the preacher who made it public, whom she named as Wellington Mattos, to the police.
The next day, Karla revealed that she had filed the police report and that Mattos could face up to two years in prison if found guilty of the cybercrime.
According to local media, some are claiming online that the old video may have ended up in Mattos’s hands via Karla’s ex-fiance, an evangelical pastor named Wallace Ouvidio.
Mattos is reported to have written online after learning about Karla’s accusation: “Did she mention the ex who leaked the video? If not, why the fear of filing a criminal complaint against him?”
Ouvidio had not publicly spoken about the case at the time of reporting.
Karla, 22, told her followers that the tape had been made before she joined the church.

The evangelical preacher said on 17th May: “They took a video from my past, a past story of mine, something I had in the past, a past relationship, and they came to expose it now.”
Karla, according to local media, lost her mother at the age of five. And at the age of 12, her father was murdered. She then went to live with foster parents.
After falling on hard times later in life, she and her younger sister allegedly received offers to become prostitutes in Europe and join the illegal drug trade. However, Karla allegedly turned down the offers.
After becoming depressed and turning to alcohol, Karla found Christianity and beat her alcohol addiction.
Local media report that her preaching has led many young people to the evangelical church, rescuing them from alcoholism, prostitution, and depression.