Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN
This is the moment a young woman fights back after being hit in the face by her boyfriend when she refused to let him kiss her.
The incident was filmed in the municipality of San Martin in the city of Toropoto located in the northern Peruvian province of San Martin, and the footage, which reportedly shows the boyfriend and girlfriend fighting, has been widely circulated on social media.
In the video, the man appears to try to kiss the young woman as she sits on the back of a parked motorbike, but she recoils and leans back to avoid it.
The man then seems to punch her in the face several times before she springs to her feet and fights back.
The woman is seen landing a number of heavy blows to the man’s face.
The couple stops brawling for a brief moment before squaring up to each other again which is when the footage cuts.
According to local media, the man rode off on the motorbike shortly after the fight and the woman was found sitting on the pavement in visible distress by police officers.
Reports identified them as Venezuelan couple Nixon Alvarado Vasquez and Marylin Betancourt.
As neither party reported the other to the police, no arrests have been made, according to local media.
A police spokesperson told ‘Televison Tarapoto’: “There was mutual aggression, but it did not last any longer than 20 minutes.
“We encouraged the woman to report the incident, but she said it was just a fight and did not want to take matters further.”
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