Story By: Anna Guran, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News
Video Credit: CEN@kris_p_brothers_official
This is the moment a woman and a child are crushed under the wheels of a runaway bus after they tried and failed to leap off the rolling vehicle.
CCTV footage shows the driver pulling to a stop after a minor traffic accident in Almaty, the largest city in Kazakhstan, leaving the doors of the bus open.
Passengers are then seen exiting the vehicle, with some remaining seated as the vehicle suddenly starts to roll forward.
Pictures Credit: CEN@kris_p_brothers_official
One young boy who has climbed off then leaps back on, believing the driver has returned and the gas is about to leave. But then he realises something is wrong and climbs back off, just before the bus hits a fence.
The woman with a young child is seen standing on the steps getting ready to jump to safety when the bus hits an obstruction and she falls out and under the wheels together with the child.
Seconds later the driver comes on board and slams on the brakes, but too late to stop the bus from running over the woman and child, who were critically injured.
The woman was badly hurt after being run over by the rear wheels but is reportedly out of danger but the child is in a critical condition fighting for its life with multiple injuries, according to local media.
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