Read more about the article Asylum Seeker On Trial For Killing Young Mum Sex Worker
Pic shows: Bulgarian prostitute Natasha and her daughter GERMANY: An asylum seeker has gone on trial for killing a prostitute who worked in a German red light district to support her newborn child.

Asylum Seeker On Trial For Killing Young Mum Sex Worker

Story By: Koen Berghuis, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: CEN An asylum seeker has gone on trial for strangling to death a young mum who was working as a sex worker in a German red light district to support her child. Natasha D., 35, was found strangled to death in September last year on a street in the red…

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Read more about the article Girls Kidnapped By Migrant Dad With Mum After 4.5 Years
Pic shows: Mother Karin Trachsel whose children were kidnapped to Egypt SWITZERLAND: Two children who were kidnapped to Egypt by their migrant father have been safely returned to their mother in Switzerland after an ordeal lasting four-and-a-half years.

Girls Kidnapped By Migrant Dad With Mum After 4.5 Years

Story By: Koen Berghuis, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Two young girls kidnapped and taken to Egypt by their migrant father have been safely returned to their mother in Switzerland after an ordeal lasting four and a half years. The two girls Sarah, 7, and Nuran, 9, were kidnapped by their Egyptian migrant father in 2014…

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Read more about the article Young Worker Mangled By Tractor Blades On First Day
Pic Shows: Alif Riezman Azhar; MALAYSIA: A young labourer’s first day on a new job ended in tragedy when he fell from the tractor he was operating and was mangled by its milling blades.

Young Worker Mangled By Tractor Blades On First Day

Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report A young labourer’s first day on a new job ended in tragedy when he fell from the tractor he was operating and was mangled by its milling blades. The gruesome incident took place in Kampung Sinaran Jaya in the northern Malaysian state of Kedah, and…

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Read more about the article Brave Young Woman Tries To Fight Off Muggers
Pic Shows: The woman gets attacked by one of the robbers; SOUTH AFRICA: This is the shocking moment two thugs jump out of a car and mug a passing young woman who bravely fights back.

Brave Young Woman Tries To Fight Off Muggers

Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News This is the moment a brave young woman tries to fight off two muggers who jump out of a car to steal her bag and phone. The incident was filmed by a CCTV camera in the coastal suburb of Muizenberg in the south-western South African city…

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Read more about the article Young Girl Snapped In X-Ray Luggage Machine
Pic shows: The girl exiting the scanning machine. CHINA: These amusing images show a young girl who sneaked into a railway station X-ray scanning machine with her luggage while her parents were being wanded at a security checkpoint.

Young Girl Snapped In X-Ray Luggage Machine

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire These images show a young girl emerging from an X-ray luggage scanning machine while her parents were being checked by security. CCTV images from Daminghu Railway Station in Jinan, capital of East China’s Shandong Province,…

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