Read more about the article Nurses Help COVID Patient Declare Love In Call With Wife
Pic Shows: The elderly man making a video call at the hosptial; This is the moment an elderly man recovering from coronavirus at a Spanish hospital tells his wife he "loves her more than his life" during a video call with the help of nurses

Nurses Help COVID Patient Declare Love In Call With Wife

Newsflash/Hospital El Pilar Barcelona This is the moment an elderly man recovering from coronavirus at a Spanish hospital tells his wife "I love you more than my life" during a video call with the help of nurses. The clip was recorded in the El Pilar Barcelona hospital in the city…

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France Launches Helpline To Support Evil Wife Beaters

France has launched its first helpline to offer support for the perpetrators of domestic abuse amid the COVID-19 lockdown. France's Secretary of Equality between women and men, Marlene Schiappa, made the announcement, saying: "The domestic violence prevention number opens today. Protect your family from violence: have someone accompany you at…

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Read more about the article Failed Businessman Kidnaps Self To Con Wife Out Of Cash
Pic shows: A picture Ms Zhao received of her supposedly kidnapped husband. This is the failed businessman who kidnapped himself and sent apparently distressed photos to his wife in order to get her to send him money.

Failed Businessman Kidnaps Self To Con Wife Out Of Cash

This is the failed businessman who kidnapped himself and sent apparently distressed photos to his wife in order to get her to send him money. Mr Xie, 30, did not tell his wife that he had lost all his money on his business and could not pay his employees’ wages,…

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Read more about the article Thug Burns Down House With Wife And Stepdaughters Inside
Pic shows: Romina Videla A 37-year-old mother has suffered 80 percent burns to her body after her older husband set fire to their house with her and her two eldest daughters inside.

Thug Burns Down House With Wife And Stepdaughters Inside

A 37-year-old mother has suffered 80-percent burns to her body after her husband allegedly set fire to their house with her and her two eldest daughters inside. The incident took place in the city of La Plata in the eastern Argentine province of Buenos Aires when 60-year-old Hector Carrizo allegedly…

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Read more about the article Man Dresses As Doc To Smuggle Wife Out Of Quarantine
Pic shows: A man dressed up as a doctor to take his wife isolated in a hotel during a quarantine A man has been arrested for dressing up as a doctor to smuggle his wife out of a hotel where she was being quarantined after arriving into Argentina from overseas.

Man Dresses As Doc To Smuggle Wife Out Of Quarantine

Newsflash A man has been arrested for dressing up as a doctor to smuggle his wife out of a hotel where she was being quarantined after arriving into Argentina from overseas. A CCTV camera in the Hotel Buenos Aires in the eastern Argentine capital Buenos Aires filmed a man in…

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