Read more about the article Dentist With Jujutsu Black Belt Subjects Pretty Wife To Night-Long Torture Session
Dentist Marcelo Augusto Pereira (41), from Sao Paolo, beat his wife Tatiana, who is married to him for eight years, and she managed to escape death only because she asked her mother for help. (Newsflash)

Dentist With Jujutsu Black Belt Subjects Pretty Wife To Night-Long Torture Session

This stocky dentist and jujutsu black belt holder has reportedly subjected his pretty wife to a night-long torture session, completely disfiguring her face, after he announced on social media that he would give her a “special treatment”. Heavyset dentist Marcelo Augusto Pereira, 41, nearly killed his wife of eight years,…

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Read more about the article Turk Hubby Stabs Wife 38 Times In Restaurant Before Claiming He Remembers Nothing
Aycan Kinci (23), the mother of two children living in Izmir, Turkey, who was stabbed in 38 places with a knife in November, allegedly by her husband Burak Kinci, after they were in a restaurant, because she wanted to leave him. (Newsflash)

Turk Hubby Stabs Wife 38 Times In Restaurant Before Claiming He Remembers Nothing

A Turkish husband who stabbed his wife 38 times with a hunting knife in a restaurant before being pulled away by other diners later claimed he had no recollection of the incident. Luckily the victim, Aycan Kinci, 23, managed to survive the brutal restaurant attack in the Turkish city of…

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Read more about the article Man, 30, Who Murdered Underage Wife Jailed For Life
Nursel Aris who was killed by her partner Nizam Cinar. (Newsflash)

Man, 30, Who Murdered Underage Wife Jailed For Life

A Turkish man who claimed he was justified in killing his underage wife because she cheated on him has been jailed for life. The man Nizam Cinar, 30, was technically guilty of rape when he had sex with his underage hairdresser lover Nursel Aris. She was aged 16 at the…

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Read more about the article Turkish Man Arrested For Pushing Pregnant Wife Off Steep Cliff
The place where the incident happened. (Newsflash)

Turkish Man Arrested For Pushing Pregnant Wife Off Steep Cliff

A Turkish man has been remanded in custody for pushing his pregnant wife off a cliff at the same time as these pictures were taken just over two years ago. Police suspect that Hakan Aysal, 40, pushed Semra Aysal, 32, off the cliff where she was killed instantly while they…

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Read more about the article German Afghan War Vet Kills His Kids, Mum-In-Law And Wife After She Has Affair
Soldier Daniel K. (41) and his wife Jana K. (37), who he killed together with their daughters Mila (4) and Anna (1), his mother-in-law Gisela H. (77) and then took his own life. (Newsflash)

German Afghan War Vet Kills His Kids, Mum-In-Law And Wife After She Has Affair

This German soldier and Afghanistan war veteran has reportedly killed his wife, two children, and mother-in-law shortly before setting the house on fire and killing himself. The shocking tragedy happened when the man identified as Daniel K. stabbed his wife, daughters and mother-in-law at the family home in the municipality…

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