Read more about the article Crazed Half-Naked Bleeding Man Smashes Up Taxi
Pic Shows: A half-dressed wild man attacks a cab in the middle of a road; TURKEY: This is the moment a crazed half-naked man with blood apparently on his shoulder and hands jumps up and down on the roof of a taxi and hurls himself at the cabbie.

Crazed Half-Naked Bleeding Man Smashes Up Taxi

Story By: Sibel Abdiu, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a crazed half-naked man with blood apparently on his shoulder and hands jumps up and down on the roof of a taxi before hurling himself at the cabbie. The bizarre incident was filmed in the district of Konak in…

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Read more about the article Kidnap Thugs Flee With Businessman In Turkish Carpet
Pic Shows: The suspects kidnap a businessman rolled in a carpet; TURKEY: This is the moment a pair of thugs sprint through a block of flats carrying a Turkish businessman rolled up in a carpet before they bundle him into a van.

Kidnap Thugs Flee With Businessman In Turkish Carpet

Story By: Sibel Abdiu, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a pair of thugs sprint through a block of flats carrying a businessman rolled up in a Turkish carpet before bundling him into a van. The startling scenes were recorded by CCTV cameras at a block of flats in…

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Read more about the article Man Saves Cute Drowning Chick With CPR And Kiss Of Life
Pic Shows: A citizen who found a chick drowning in a bucket full of water decided to give it a CPR to rescue it; TURKEY: This is the heartwarming moment a man saves a drowning baby chicken from dying by giving it the kiss of life and heart massages.

Man Saves Cute Drowning Chick With CPR And Kiss Of Life

Story By: Sibel Abdiu, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the heartwarming moment a man saves a drowning baby chicken by giving it CPR and the kiss of life. The footage was taken in the Yesilyurt district of Malatya province, in Turkey after Bayram Adak noticed a chick was drowning in…

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Read more about the article Driver Clips Other Car Sending It Flipping Across Road
Pic Shows: A car trying to avoid a garbage lorry hits another car coming from the back; TURKEY: This is the dramatic moment a bungling motorist pulls out in front of a speeding car and sends it flipping through the air before landing on its roof on the other side of the road.

Driver Clips Other Car Sending It Flipping Across Road

Story By: Sibel Abdiu, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a motorist pulls out in front of a car and sends it flying through the air before landing on its roof on the other side of the road. The accident was filmed by CCTV cameras in the district of…

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Read more about the article Moment Bystander Stops Runaway Thief Jumping Off Bridge
Pic Shows: A thief suspect climbs on the other side of the railings on a bridge during a police chase; TURKEY: This is the dramatic moment a suspected thief attempts to jump from a bridge rather than be arrested by chasing cops and is saved by a hero bystander.

Moment Bystander Stops Runaway Thief Jumping Off Bridge

Story By: Sibel Abdiu, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the dramatic moment a suspected thief who attempts to jump from a bridge rather than face arrest is grabbed by a bystander seconds before Turkish police officers swoop in. The incident was filmed by stunned residents in the district of Bayrakli…

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