Read more about the article Turkish Cops Luggage Wrap Deported African Businessman
Pic shows: Turkish authorities wrapped 47-year-old man in a plastic wrapping. This is the moment Turkish cops restrain an African man in bubble wrap while reportedly deporting him back to his home country with cable ties around his wrists and ankles.

Turkish Cops Luggage Wrap Deported African Businessman

CEN/@abelamundala Turkish cops have been accused of using bubble wrap to restrain a Cameroonian businessman and deport him back to his home country after alleging his visa was faked. Reports said that the footage of Cameroon national Emmanuel Fosso Someon Chedjou, 47, being restrained in the bubble wrap normally used…

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Brit Working On Turkish Research Ship Dies Suddenly

A British man in his 50s has died aboard a Turkish ship sailing off Cyprus. Christopher Ross Macculloch, 53, passed away after feeling unwell on Saturday morning while working aboard the Barbaros Hayrettin Pasha seismographic research vessel. He was taken from the ship by helicopter and transferred to an airport…

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Read more about the article Turkish Hen Lays Weird Egg In An Egg
Pic Shows: Egg in an egg; These images show the bizarre egg inside an egg that a hen in Turkey has laid.

Turkish Hen Lays Weird Egg In An Egg

Story By: Peotr Tulba, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report These images show the bizarre egg inside an egg that has bamboozled vets after a hen in Turkey laid it. The startling incident took place on a farm in the city of Bursa in western Turkey’s Marmara region and local vets are now studying…

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Read more about the article Turkish Man Slaps Young Woman On Bus For Wearing Shorts
Pic shows: The suspect slapping the woman. This is the shocking moment a man on a bus decides to give a young woman a slap on the face as he goes past to punish her for wearing shorts.

Turkish Man Slaps Young Woman On Bus For Wearing Shorts

Story By: Peotr Tulba, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit:AsiaWire This is the shocking moment a man on a bus decides to give a young woman a slap on the face as he goes past to punish her for wearing shorts in an attack that has seen him jailed. The incident happened on 17th June…

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Read more about the article Thug Ex-BF Beats Woman Unconscious In Middle Of Street
Pic Shows: Besim Gungor, 24 attacked his ex girlfriend R.T. at her workplace because she broke up with him; This is the shocking moment captured on CCTV that a Turkish man Knox's girlfriend unconscious and then kicks her before she is rescued by a passerby.

Thug Ex-BF Beats Woman Unconscious In Middle Of Street

Story By: Sibel Abdiu, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a jilted thug knocks his ex-girlfriend unconscious and then kicks her on the street in broad day light before she is rescued by passersby. The incident happened in the Rize province of Turkey when the attacker. identified as 24-year-old…

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