Read more about the article Dumped Boyfriend Tortured And Sexually Assaulted Lover Before Putting Her Half Naked Body In A Sack And Driving Over It
The wounds of Rabia Kacmaz after her boyfriend Emre Cicek allegedly tried to rape her, for saying him that she wanted to leave him. (Newsflash)

Dumped Boyfriend Tortured And Sexually Assaulted Lover Before Putting Her Half Naked Body In A Sack And Driving Over It

A Turkish woman who told her boyfriend she wanted to end the relationship was stabbed, tortured and sexually assaulted before being dumped half-naked on the ground in a sack by her ex-boyfriend - who drove over her in his car to make sure she was dead. The shocking details of…

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Read more about the article Cop Shot WPC Lover 16 Times After She Found He Was Married
Merve Unal, 27, who got shot and killed by her police boyfriend. (Newsflash)

Cop Shot WPC Lover 16 Times After She Found He Was Married

A married Turkish cop has been jailed for life after shooting his female police officer lover dead and then putting her gun in her hand to make it appear as if she had shot at him first. Policeman Muharrem Yilmaz killed his lover Merve Unal, 27, after shooting her 16…

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Read more about the article Turkish Hubby Stabbed Estranged Wife In Chest 14 Times When She Refused To Return To Him
32-year old Gulseren Yilmaz, who is killed allegedly by her husband with who she was married for 15 years. (Newsflash)

Turkish Hubby Stabbed Estranged Wife In Chest 14 Times When She Refused To Return To Him

A husband enraged when his wife who was the mother of his two children filed for divorce tracked her down to her dad's home and stabbed her in the chest 14 times before turning himself in. Hilmi Yilmaz, 44, is accused of killing his wife of 15 years, 32-year-old Gulseren…

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Read more about the article Turkish Villagers Find Remains Of 8-Million-Year-Old Mammoth
Bone fossils belonging to mammoths, which are determined to be 8 million years old, were found in Edirne. (Newsflash)

Turkish Villagers Find Remains Of 8-Million-Year-Old Mammoth

Turkish villagers have reportedly stumbled across the remains of an eight-million-year-old woolly mammoth in a large sand pit. The mammoth remains were at the sand pit in the village of Buyukdolluk near the north-western Turkish city of Edirne near the border with Greece. Archaeology experts from Trakya University went to…

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Read more about the article Hubby Keeps Wife In Horror Torture Chamber For Days And Pulls Out Fingernails
Mirvet Nivej, a 28-year-old Syrian national, who was subjected to violence by her husband. (Newsflash)

Hubby Keeps Wife In Horror Torture Chamber For Days And Pulls Out Fingernails

A Turkish man has been arrested for keeping his wife in a specially-built torture chamber one month after she gave birth and reportedly subjected her to horrific abuse including pulling out her fingernails with pliers. Ilyas Arik, 28, was furious when his wife ran away after a savage beating 15…

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