Read more about the article Sniffer Dog Enjoys Retirement Day On Beach After Taking Part In 1000 Drug Ops
The 14-year-old narcotic dog Chiara that has been participating in drug operations for 12 years in Aydin, retired and enjoyed in vacation. (Newsflash)

Sniffer Dog Enjoys Retirement Day On Beach After Taking Part In 1000 Drug Ops

A Turkish sniffer dog has enjoyed a day out at the beach to celebrate its retirement after taking part in a thousand drugs operations. Chiara worked for the Narcotics Branch of the police department in the city of Aydin in the western Turkish province of the same name. Her retirement…

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Read more about the article Family Warns Other Youngsters After Healthy Woman, 20, Dies Of COVID
Burcu Usanmaz, 20, who died due to coronavirus. (Newsflash)

Family Warns Other Youngsters After Healthy Woman, 20, Dies Of COVID

The family of this 20-year-old Turkish woman have urged other youngsters to not "think they are immune" after she died of COVID-19. Burcu Usanmaz’ relatives managed to stay clear of the disease, and believe she probably caught it at the local shopping centre or market. The young woman worked for…

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Read more about the article Turk Doctors Treat Gamblers With Same Methods As Drug-Drink Addicts
Pembe Kosk Psychiatric Center where alcohol and gambling addicts are treated. (Newsflash)

Turk Doctors Treat Gamblers With Same Methods As Drug-Drink Addicts

Turkish doctors are currently testing drug and alcohol addiction treatments on gambling addicts and the initial results look promising. The treatments are being conducted by doctors at the Pembe Kosk Psychiatric Hospital in the town of Lapta in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). Two types of treatments are…

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Read more about the article Turk Hubby Slashes Wifes Neck In Front Of Kids For Wanting Divorce
Esra Oymak, 30, whose throat was cut by her husband. (Newsflash)

Turk Hubby Slashes Wifes Neck In Front Of Kids For Wanting Divorce

A Turkish husband has caused this horror injury to his wife’s neck when she asked for a divorce and he reportedly attacked her twice with two different knives. Esra Oymak, 30, was attacked by her husband Mikail Oymak, age not disclosed, after he flew into a rage when she said…

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Read more about the article 2,000-Year-Old Ancient Rome Artefact Found On Turkish Road
Historical monument thought to belong to the Roman period. (Newsflash)

2,000-Year-Old Ancient Rome Artefact Found On Turkish Road

A 2,000-year-old Roman artefact has been found next to a dirt track in a rural Turkish village. The stone artefact with Latin text etched into it was discovered in the rural area of Cicekli near the city of Iznik in the north-western Turkish region of Bursa. The ancient artefact came…

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