Read more about the article Locals Scared Of Hair-Raising Road Cut Into Mountainside
Turkey's most dangerous mountainside road which has 18 sharp bends. (Newsflash)

Locals Scared Of Hair-Raising Road Cut Into Mountainside

This is the hair-raising road carved into a Turkish mountainside which has been compared to the most dangerous road in the world. The helter-skelter 18-bend road, which has cut travelling time to the commercial centre from two and a half hours to 30 minutes, is in the neighbourhood of Ozlukent…

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Read more about the article Woman Kills Violent Hubby With Axe After Police Failed To Help
Police officer is walking the children to the police car. (Newsflash)

Woman Kills Violent Hubby With Axe After Police Failed To Help

An Afghan mother who the Turkish police refused to help when she was repeatedly beaten by her husband because they were not legally married has reportedly used an axe to kill him in his sleep. Fazilet Azimi, 28, is facing aggravated murder charges for killing husband Hasan Ozbek, 57, with…

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Read more about the article Turkish Gran Aged 105 Beats Covid In Just Five Days
Huriye Baskapan, together with her grandson. (Newsflash)

Turkish Gran Aged 105 Beats Covid In Just Five Days

This 105-year-old Turkish grandmother has beaten COVID-19 after just five days of treatment. Centenarian Huriye Baskapan was treated in hospital when she contracted the virus during a trip to the countryside to live with her son because she thought it would be safer. She left her home in the bustling…

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Read more about the article Turk Hubby Escapes Jail After Long-Suffering Paralysed Wife Forgives Him
Mutlu Bilvar, 27, who was disabled by her husband. (Newsflash)

Turk Hubby Escapes Jail After Long-Suffering Paralysed Wife Forgives Him

A Turkish man who abused and shot his wife leaving her crippled is to be released from prison after she told court officials she forgives him. Mutlu Bilvar, 27, who lives in the district of Konak in the Turkish city of Izmir, married Dogukan Bilvar, 29, after they were introduced…

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Read more about the article Hubby Tries To Kill Wife With Poisoned Pudding But Her Dad Eats It Instead
An image of the pastry used in local media reports about the case. (Newsflash)

Hubby Tries To Kill Wife With Poisoned Pudding But Her Dad Eats It Instead

A Turkish husband has been arrested for poisoning a dessert for his estranged wife that ended up being eaten by her father instead. Feridun Alkan was furious when his wife Melek Alkan, 32, told him she wanted a divorce and then moved out to live with her parents. When he…

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