Read more about the article HIGH-ING DUTCHMAN: Drug Trafficker Seized With GBP 260K Haul
Image shows a package of crystal meth found at the dealer's home, undated photo. Officials from the Canton police Valais uncovered a major drug trade and arrested two people in mid-November, 2021. (Kantonspolizei Wallis/Newsflash)

HIGH-ING DUTCHMAN: Drug Trafficker Seized With GBP 260K Haul

A drug trafficker caught with crystal meth and cocaine worth GBP 263,000 has been seized by police in Switzerland. Image shows a package of crystal meth found at the dealer's home, undated photo. Officials from the Canton police Valais uncovered a major drug trade and arrested two people in mid-November,…

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Read more about the article SILLY POSER: Woman Does Yoga While Riding On Motorbike In Busy Traffic
Woman rides motorcycle in yoga position in Guangzhou, Guangdong in China, undated. Local traffic police reportedly said that they had seen the video and were looking for the woman. (871403555/AsiaWire)

SILLY POSER: Woman Does Yoga While Riding On Motorbike In Busy Traffic

A woman in southern China showed off her riding skills on the road when she rode an electric motorcycle standing on one foot and "practicing yoga". Some witnesses caught the dangerous stunt on video, which shows the woman getting up on one leg whilst dressed in high heels and doing…

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Read more about the article Fireworks Fill The Air After Lorry Crashes Into Three Lanes Of Traffic And Sparks Pyrotechnic Blast
Truck collides with another loaded with pyrotechnic material in Guatemala in December 2021. (Newsflash)

Fireworks Fill The Air After Lorry Crashes Into Three Lanes Of Traffic And Sparks Pyrotechnic Blast This is the moment fireworks whizz around a motorway after an out-of-control lorry smashes into a three lanes of traffic and sets off a blaze in a vehicle carrying pyrotechnics. The incident, called one of the worst multi-vehicle accidents in Guatemala, took place at kilometre 52 on the Palin-Escuintla…

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Read more about the article Rented Lamborghini Rams Car In Traffic And Sends It Flying Onto Roof
A speeding Lamborghini crashed into a Proton Perdana in Kuala Lumpur, on 9th September. (Newsflash)

Rented Lamborghini Rams Car In Traffic And Sends It Flying Onto Roof This is the moment a Lamborghini driver speeds into the back of a car in slow-moving traffic and sends it flying into another vehicle before overturning in the road. The incident was filmed in the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur at around 8.40am on 8th September. According to the news…

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Read more about the article Surreal Moment Giant Elephant Stomps Towards Oncoming Traffic On Busy Road In Italian City
An elephant escaped from the circus walked through the streets of Messina, Italy, on 27th July. (Newsflash)

Surreal Moment Giant Elephant Stomps Towards Oncoming Traffic On Busy Road In Italian City This is the moment two young men driving down a major road in an Italian city film a huge African elephant marching towards them in the middle lane. The surreal scene was filmed through their car's front window on the three-lane road in the city of Messina on the…

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