Read more about the article Five Workers Killed As They Repaired Tracks
One of the victims Kevin Lagana, 22, poses in undated photo. Five workers were run over and by a train traveling at 160 kilometers per hour in the Brandizzo, Italy, on Wednesday, Aug. 30, 2023. (Newsflash)

Five Workers Killed As They Repaired Tracks

A speeding train driver doing nearly 100 mph killed five track workers as he mowed them down on a rail line they were repairing in Italy. One of the victims Kevin Lagana, 22, poses in undated photo. Five workers were run over and by a train traveling at 160 kilometers…

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Read more about the article Real Housewife Of NY Star Flies In With Suitcase Full Of Diet Coke
Photo shows Jill Zarin, an American actress, undated. She reportedly wanted to bring her own Diet Coke with her to Rome, Italy, as she believed Italy do not have Diet Coke. (@mrsjillzarin/CEN)

Real Housewife Of NY Star Flies In With Suitcase Full Of Diet Coke

This is the baffling moment a RHNY star shows off her suitcase crammed full of Diet Coke as she lands in Rome convinced that you cannot buy it in Europe. Jill Zarin - one of the most famous faces from the Real Housewives franchise - was filmed as she…

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Read more about the article  Luxury Cruise Ship Leaves Behind Desperately Screaming Latecomers
Two tourist beg captain to wait after missing cruise ship in Bari, Italy, on Tuesday, Aug. 15,2023. The boat did not stop. (CEN)

 Luxury Cruise Ship Leaves Behind Desperately Screaming Latecomers

This is the moment two late-coming tourists are begging the captain of their cruise ship to let them come on board at an Adriatic port in southern Italy. In the footage - taken by someone on board - the pair can be seen nervously walking up and down on…

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Read more about the article Tourists Face GBP 30k Fines For Pinching Sand From Italian Beaches
Picture shows the eleven jars with sand and labels indicating as different beaches, undated. During the inspection of passengers embarking from the port of Olbia, Italy, agents found the jars and fined two Italian tourists, on Monday, Aug. 14, 2023. (Newsflash)

Tourists Face GBP 30k Fines For Pinching Sand From Italian Beaches

Two tourists are facing massive fines of nearly GBP 30,000 after being caught red-handed with sand taken from 11 protected beaches in Italy. Picture shows the eleven jars with sand and labels indicating as different beaches, undated. During the inspection of passengers embarking from the port of Olbia, Italy, agents…

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Read more about the article  Lone Wolf That Attacked English Family In Italy Now Steals And Eats Local Woman’s Pet
Picture shows Nadia Terenzi , 56, with the dog, undated. She and her dog were attacked by a wolf in Palombaro, Italy. (Nadia Terenzi/Newsflash)

 Lone Wolf That Attacked English Family In Italy Now Steals And Eats Local Woman’s Pet

A lone wolf that reportedly attacked an English family and their pet dog has now struck again, and this time stole a lap dog which it later killed and apparently ate. Picture shows Nadia Terenzi , 56, with the dog, undated. She and her dog were attacked by a wolf…

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