Read more about the article Kidnapped Cops Interrogated By Gun-Toting Cartel
Pic shows: The cops sitting in chairs being threatened by cartel members. This is the moment a heavily armed cartel interrogate four cops who were kidnapped during an attack on a Public Safety building - and three of them were later found dead.

Kidnapped Cops Interrogated By Gun-Toting Cartel

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Video Credit: CEN This is the moment a heavily armed cartel interrogate four cops who were kidnapped during an attack on a Public Safety building - and they were later found dead. The video reportedly shows members of the Grupo Elite (Elite Group)…

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Read more about the article Speedy Driver Reverses Away From Gun-Toting Car Jackers
Pic Shows: Two robbers pointed their guns towards the red car`s driver; SOUTH AFRICA: This is the moment a perceptive driver quickly reverses to safety when two masked thugs brandishing a huge rifle try to rob his car.

Speedy Driver Reverses Away From Gun-Toting Car Jackers

Story By: Alex Cope; Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder; Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@dalaucrew This is the moment a quick-thinking driver slams his motor into reverse and flees to safety when two masked thugs brandishing a huge rifle and a pistol try to rob his car. The startling incident occurred in the Berea area…

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Read more about the article Gun-Toting OAP Shop Owner Shoots Thief To Protect Hubby
Pic Shows: Moment of the robbery and shooting; BRAZIL: This is the moment an elderly shop owner shoots an armed thief as he forces her husband to lie on the floor.

Gun-Toting OAP Shop Owner Shoots Thief To Protect Hubby

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub-Editor:  Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN This is the moment a hapless thief armed with a gun tries to hold up a shop run by two OAPs but gets a shock when the elderly woman shoots him dead to protect her husband. The incident was filmed by…

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