Read more about the article HUNGRY LIKE THE WOOF: Crafty Pup Goes Begging At Butcher’s
Dog begs for food in Xi'an, China, undated. At the time its owner was buying food at another stall. (N8896520/AsiaWire)

HUNGRY LIKE THE WOOF: Crafty Pup Goes Begging At Butcher’s

A crafty puppy worked its charms on a tender-hearted butcher after blitzing him with its puppy dog eyes to get a free meal. The pup had given its owner Ms Sun the slip at a farmers' market in the city of Xi'an, in Shaanxi province, north-western China. Ms Sun told…

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Read more about the article MAN’S NOT SO BEST FRIEND: Pet Dog Sticks Up For Wife In Bizarre Experiment
Man hits his wife's back and his dog defends her in Shanghai, China, undated. Mr. Jin said that he usually takes care of the dog by himself, and the attitude of the dog made him very sad. (Tani728/AsiaWire)

MAN’S NOT SO BEST FRIEND: Pet Dog Sticks Up For Wife In Bizarre Experiment

A baffling experiment into whether a dog really is a man's best friend has shown that when push comes to shove a pet pooch is really on the side of a woman. A couple from Shanghai, China, filmed themselves pretending to assault each other in a bid to decide which…

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Read more about the article THIS WAY PUP: Cowardly Huge Dog Has To Be Carried Up Escalator
Man carries dog afraid of escalator in Chengdu, Sichuan in China, undated. The dog weighed 140 pounds. (281087705/AsiaWire)

THIS WAY PUP: Cowardly Huge Dog Has To Be Carried Up Escalator

This is the hilarious moment a huge dog loses its nerve at an escalator and had to be carried up by its struggling owner. The dog - which tips the scales at a whopping 140 pounds - refused to budge when its owner took it to a shopping centre in…

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Read more about the article CHEWDUNNIT: Home-Alone Dogs Trash House
Picture shows 'demolished' house in Ordos, Inner Mongolia in China, undated. Ms. Li was away from home for 7 days, leaving her two dogs at home alone. (335562646/AsiaWire)

CHEWDUNNIT: Home-Alone Dogs Trash House

A pair of home-alone dogs trashed a house so badly its owner has told how she thought she had been burgled when she got home. Owner Ms Li had left the pups alone for a week and put out huge bowls of food and water for them at their home…

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Read more about the article BANGER TO RIGHTS: Smuggler Seized With 20 Pounds Of Vietnamese Pork Sausage
Inspection beagles posing with their handlers beside the confiscated meat products, undated. The sausages were brought in by a traveller who flew in from Hanoi, Vietnam and were detected by the dog in Bangkok, Thailand, on Sunday, Oct. 23 October, 2022. (@DLDthailand/Newsflash)

BANGER TO RIGHTS: Smuggler Seized With 20 Pounds Of Vietnamese Pork Sausage

A trafficker trying to sneak 20lbs of illicit Vietnamese pork sausages into Thailand was caught when sniffer dogs tracked down the spicy pong in his luggage. Inspection beagles posing with their handlers beside the confiscated meat products, undated. The sausages were brought in by a traveller who flew in from…

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