Read more about the article Devotees Claim Miracle As Virgin Mary Statue Weeps
The Virgin of Dolores allegedly cries in the El Chanal community in the state of Colima, Mexico, undated. The Virgin statue has red eyes and tears on her cheeks. (CEN)

Devotees Claim Miracle As Virgin Mary Statue Weeps

Churchgoers and devotees have claimed a miracle after they discovered a small statue of the Virgin Mary appeared to be shedding tears. The 'crying' figure was recorded by stunned visitors at a church in the El Chanal community in the state of Colima, Mexico. Believers, sceptics, and the curious…

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Read more about the article Zimbabwean Pastor Demonstrates Gods Power As Constipated Woman Poos In Front Of Applauding Devotees
Prophet T Freddy, (pictured) the founder of the Goodness and Mercy Ministries, who made a woman poop on stage during a healing service in Zimbabwe in October 2021. (CEN)

Zimbabwean Pastor Demonstrates Gods Power As Constipated Woman Poos In Front Of Applauding Devotees

This is the moment a Zimbabwean pastor shouts “are you seeing the power of God” as a woman drops to her knees, screams and poos in front of applauding devotees after being unable to defecate for nearly two weeks. The unusual church service was held by Prophet T Freddy, founder…

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Read more about the article Moment Runaway Bulldog Scares Praying Devotees In Turkish Mosque
Mustafa Goker, the imam of the mosque, where the dog escaped from its owner entered inside and scared the people praying there in Denizli, Turkey. (Newsflash)

Moment Runaway Bulldog Scares Praying Devotees In Turkish Mosque This is the moment a bulldog runs into a Turkish mosque and frightens devotees as its breathless owner tries to catch it. The incident was filmed at Caybasi Mosque in the district of Merkezefendi in the city of Denizli in the south-western Turkish province of the same name. According…

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Read more about the article Devotees Flock To See Virgin Mary Wall Stain In Car Park
The Virgin appearance in the bakery (Newsflash)

Devotees Flock To See Virgin Mary Wall Stain In Car Park

A water stain that has taken the shape of the Virgin Mary has appeared in a Colombian bakery’s car park and local residents have been flocking to see the wall damage to pray for protection from COVID-19. The Virgin Mary stain was first noticed by the bakery’s security guard in…

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Read more about the article Muslims Asked To Not Pray On Hard Shoulder During Jams
Pics Shows: Local media reported of the danger as Muslims pray in emergency lane because of traffic; Malaysian officials have called on Muslims not to pray on motorway hard shoulders after a photo of devotees kneeling on the tarmac at dawn due to traffic congestion went viral online.

Muslims Asked To Not Pray On Hard Shoulder During Jams

Malaysian officials have called on Muslims not to pray on motorway hard shoulders after a photo of devotees kneeling on the tarmac at dawn due to traffic congestion was widely shared online. The photo of devout Muslims praying on the hard shoulder was taken on the Karak Expressway near the…

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