Read more about the article Mum, 19, Abandons Newborn With Umbilical Cord Still Attached In Box In Rural Area
The house where the newborn was abandoned in Torrijo, Spain, on February 2021 (Newsflash)

Mum, 19, Abandons Newborn With Umbilical Cord Still Attached In Box In Rural Area

A 19-year-old woman has been arrested in Spain for placing her newborn - who still had his umbilical cord attached - inside a cardboard box and abandoning him in a derelict home in a rural area. The incident happened in the municipality of Torrijos in the province of Toledo in…

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Read more about the article Murder Because Man Used Wifes Name In S3x With Lover
Didem Mengu who was strangled with a curtain chain, allegedly from her lover Abdulselam Gunay in 2019. (Newsflash)

Murder Because Man Used Wifes Name In S3x With Lover

A married man is on trial in Turkey for killing his beautiful mistress after she allegedly flew into a rage when he accidentally called her by his wife's name during sex. The incident took place in the district of Maltepe in the north-western Turkish city of Istanbul on 9th December…

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Read more about the article Man Finds Body Of Dead Baby In Plastic Bag In Dump
Body of baby found abandoned in plastic bag. (Newsflash)

Man Finds Body Of Dead Baby In Plastic Bag In Dump

A new dad with a one-month-old baby of his own said he was shocked and saddened after seeing a newborn dumped in a sack of rubbish that he thought at first was a doll. The new dad, identified as 28-year-old Hassanudin Sabang, found the dead baby boy with his umbilical…

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Read more about the article Baby Has Umbilical Cord Wrapped Six Times Round Neck
Pics Shows: The baby boy born with his umbilical cord wrapped 6 times around his neck at Yichang Central Hospital in Hubei, China, on 30 July; Medics were stunned when this baby that was born naturally emerged with its umbilical cord wrapped tightly round its neck not just once but six times.

Baby Has Umbilical Cord Wrapped Six Times Round Neck

Medics were stunned when this baby which was born naturally emerged with its umbilical cord wrapped tightly around its neck not just once but six times. The amazing birth which resulted in no consequences for mother or baby after the umbilical cord was removed happened at the Yichang Central Hospital…

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Read more about the article Baby Found Abandoned On Pavement With Umbilical Cord
Pic Shows: Newborn baby found on a sidewalk in a plastic bag in Kuala Lumpur; This is the newborn baby which was found dumped on the side of a road in a shopping bag with its umbilical cord still attached.

Baby Found Abandoned On Pavement With Umbilical Cord

This is the newborn baby which was found dumped on the side of a road in a shopping bag with its umbilical cord still attached. The incident took place in the Wangsa Maju area of the Malaysian capital Kuala Lumpur when an unnamed witness said he saw a man and…

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