Read more about the article Baby Born With No Nose Or Eyes And Mum Didnt Know
Pic Shows: Screenshot of the post of the mum; Portuguese authorities have launched an investigation into negligence after a baby was born without eyes, a nose and missing part of its skull which the obstetrician had not previously noticed.

Baby Born With No Nose Or Eyes And Mum Didnt Know

Story By: Alex Cope, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Portuguese authorities have launched a probe after a baby was born without eyes, a nose and missing part of its skull and the obstetrician had not previously noticed. The obstetrician in question reportedly has four disciplinary processes already open against him. He works at the Sao…

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Read more about the article Moment Cute Baby Rhino Takes First Steps Outside
Picture Credit: CEN/ Zoo Schmiding / Selina Hauzenberger

Moment Cute Baby Rhino Takes First Steps Outside Video Credit: CEN/ Zoo Schmiding This is the moment cute baby rhino Nio takes his first tentative steps outside and the zoo has just welcomed his younger sibling into the world so he will have someone to play with. The footage shows the adorable baby cautiously stepping out into…

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Read more about the article Villagers Unearth Newborn Boy Mistakenly Buried Alive
Pic shows: The newborn boy in hospital. This is the moment two villagers looking for mushrooms find an abandoned newborn boy who was mistakenly buried alive inside a caredboard box because his family thought he had died.

Villagers Unearth Newborn Boy Mistakenly Buried Alive

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment two villagers dig up an abandoned newborn boy who was mistakenly buried alive in a cardboard box because his family thought he had died. The recently released footage was taken on 21st August and led to a police investigation…

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Read more about the article Baby With Rare Illness Needs 2-Million-EUR Jab To Live
Pic Shows: Baby John who needs the injection to survive; The parents of a dying baby are appealing for donations towards a life-saving injection after health insurers are dragging their feet to cover the treatment.

Baby With Rare Illness Needs 2-Million-EUR Jab To Live

Story By: Kathryn Quinn, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News The parents of a dying baby in Germany are appealing for donations towards a 2-million-EUR life-saving injection to cure the tot's rare condition. Baby John aged just 7 months old, from Sebnitz, a town in the Sachsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge district, in the Free State of Saxony, Germany, suffers…

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Read more about the article Moment Young Mum Abandons Baby Girl Outside House
Pic Shows: The moment the baby girl is abandoned; This is the moment a young mother abandons her baby daughter on the pavement in front of a house.

Moment Young Mum Abandons Baby Girl Outside House

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@PoliciaBogota This is the moment a young mum appears to abandon her baby daughter on the pavement in front of a house. The incident was filmed by a CCTV camera in the locality of Kennedy in the central Colombian capital Bogota and the footage…

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