Read more about the article Eiza Gonzalez Mimics Lion King On US Mountain Climb
Pic Shows: The Hollywood stunner mountain climbing; This is the moment gorgeous Hollywood actress Eiza Gonzalez mimics ‘The Lion King’ during a gruelling mountain climb in California that she described as “awesome”.

Eiza Gonzalez Mimics Lion King On US Mountain Climb

Video Credit: CEN/@eizagonzalez This is the moment gorgeous Hollywood actress Eiza Gonzalez mimics ‘The Lion King’ during a gruelling mountain climb in California that she described as “awesome”. The 29-year-old Mexican actress, who rose to fame following her appearance in Edgar Wright’s 2017 drama ‘Baby Driver’, shared the images on…

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Read more about the article Actress Exposes Lady Parts On Red Carpet At Awards
Pic Shows: Maria Luisa Mayo; These snaps show 38-year-old Chilean actress Luisa Mayol apparently showing off her nether regions on the red carpet after the split in her dress ventured higher than she realised.

Actress Exposes Lady Parts On Red Carpet At Awards

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  These snaps show Chilean actress Luisa Mayol apparently showing off her lady parts on the red carpet after the split in her dress ventured higher than she realised. The wardrobe malfunction took place at the plush Goya Awards in the city of Malaga…

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Read more about the article Famous Director Accused Of Actress Sex Assault Arrested
Pic shows: Adele Haenel at the Cesars in 2015 Famous French director Christophe Ruggia who made international headlines when he was accused by Adele Haenel of sexually assaulting her between the age of 12 and 15 has now been arrested and his home searched by investigators.

Famous Director Accused Of Actress Sex Assault Arrested

Story By: Joseph Golder , Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News  Famous French director Christophe Ruggia who made international headlines when he was accused by Adele Haenel of sexually assaulting her between the age of 12 and 15 has now been arrested and his home searched by investigators. Prosecutors announced that the director was questioned by…

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Read more about the article Playboy Star Slams Noisy Russia Tourists At Brit Hotspot
Pic Shows: Nastasya Samburskaya; Controversial Playboy model and actress Nastasya Samburskaya has slammed fellow Russian tourists staying in the same Bali resort as her just one week after cruelly poking fun at American plus-size model Ashley Graham.

Playboy Star Slams Noisy Russia Tourists At Brit Hotspot

Story By: Gheorghi Caraseni, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency:Central European News Playboy model and actress Nastasya Samburskaya has slammed fellow Russian tourists - ranked among the most troublesome in the world - who are currently staying in the same Bali resort as her. The 32-year-old Russian star called her compatriots “cattle” in a post criticising…

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Read more about the article Wolverine Star Wows With Upside-Down Pole Dance
Pic Shows: Svetlana Khodchenkova; The stunning Russian actress who played Viper in ‘The Wolverine’ has stunned fans with this jaw-dropping snap of her pole dancing in skimpy sportswear and high-heeled boots.

Wolverine Star Wows With Upside-Down Pole Dance

Story By: Anastasia Smirnova, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency:Central European News The stunning Russian actress who played Viper in ‘The Wolverine’ has stunned fans with this snap of her pole dancing in skimpy sportswear and high-heeled boots. Russian film and television actress Svetlana Khodchenkova, 36, rose to fame for her role as the Marvel character Viper,…

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