Social Distance Dutch DJ Spins Tunes On Top Of Windmill

Story By: Delano LangrasSub Editor: Michael LeidigAgency: Newsflash

Credit: Newsflash/Club NU

This is the moment a Dutch DJ has his head in the clouds as he spins tunes atop a giant 75-metre high windmill.

Ronald Pater, 36, who goes by the stage name ‘Propulsive’, can be seen in this clip waving his hands in the air as he blasts out some block-rocking beats atop the windmill surrounded only by fields.

The idea came after the DJ headlined at Club Now in Biddinghuizen, in the Netherlands, and wanted to play again but the venue was shut in line with the COVID-19 restrictions.

Credit: Newsflash/Club Nu

As such, the DJ and club bosses decided to come up with some quirky spots to record DJ sets to stream to people in lockdown.

Speaking about the idea, he told local media: “The idea came from Olster Tocht BV, a partnership of entrepreneurs who have wind turbines on their land and together form a large wind farm.

“The owner of NOW knows them, they also love the music I play.

“Together, they came up with this idea and last Sunday I was transported upstairs in an elevator with equipment.”

Credit: Newsflash/GrokoShots BV – Club NU

Despite the stomach-churning assent, the DJ says it was worth all of the effort.

He added: “It was magical to stand there, I really enjoyed the view, the sunset and the music.

“But it was also double-edged, and also I felt how far away I was from what I normally do as an artist.

“During these times, as an artist you can’t go anywhere and you’re far away from the audience. But it was a crazy idea in a quirky place.”

Credit: Newsflash/GrokoShots BV – Club NU

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