Shocked Courier Saves Hanging Dog After Lead Caught In Closing Doors

This is the moment a dog’s lead is caught in the closing doors of a lift and the poor pooch is yanked towards the ceiling before a shocked deliveryman saves it from hanging to death.

The incident was filmed at a residential building in the city of Jingmen in the Chinese province of Hubei on 23rd October.

According to the news site Baidu, the dog entered the lift alone and its lead was caught in the closing doors.

Delivery man saves dog whose leash got stuck in elevator in Jingmen, China. (2225319758/AsiaWire)

Fortunately for the hanging pooch, a deliveryman called the lift one floor down and was surprised to encounter the dangling dog when the doors opened. The kind courier then painstakingly freed the dog from the lead.

In the CCTV footage, the dog is seen in the open lift with its lead trailing outside as the doors suddenly close on the 22nd floor.

The lift descends and the yelping dog is yanked towards the ceiling where it dangles by the lead.

Dog enters elevator before its leash got stuck in door in Jingmen, China. (2225319758/AsiaWire)

Luckily, the lift stops one floor down and a courier recoils at the sight of the dog hanging by its lead in front of him.

He then helps the dog, quickly grabbing its body to take the weight off before attempting to remove its lead.

The doors close several times as the deliveryman painstakingly removes the lead and leaves it hanging in the doorway, preventing the doors from closing. Meanwhile, he carries the animal away to apparently track down its owner.

Dog with leash got stuck in elevator in Jingmen, China. (2225319758/AsiaWire)

It is unclear what the courier did with the pooch after seemingly saving its life.