A grieving dad whose son was shot dead at point-blank range close to an anti-regime demonstration has been snatched from his home by security forces in Iran.

Komar Daroftadeh, 16, was gunned down in his home city of Piranshahr in West Azerbaijan Province on 30th October.
An eyewitness told anti-regime media at the time how a gunman shot him from a stationary car without numberplates from just three metres (nine feet) away.
An anti-regime demonstration is known to have been going on at the time, but away from the spot where he was shot, the same onlooker alleged.

Komar – an ethnic Kurd – was taken to Imam Khomeini Hospital but died of a gunshot wound later that day.
His father, Hasan, was filmed at his funeral on 31st October saying: “My son is a martyr, he was killed for freedom.”
But those words may have cost him dearly, as anti-regime media are now reporting that security forces broke into his home on 3rd November and took him away.

His fate remains unclear.
Iranian minorities – notably Kurds – are believed by many human rights groups to have disproportionately suffered from state repression during the ongoing protests.
Mahsa Amini – whose death at the hands of morality police in September sparked the current wave of protests in Iran – was also Kurdish.
The ongoing protests, which began on 16th September, have claimed between 304 and 356 lives and injured at least 1,160, according to independent estimates.