UKRAINE, Luhansk – The purported video shows Russian Aviation Forces hitting Ukrainian strongholds and manpower.
The air strike was carried out with unguided S-9 aircraft missiles in the area of Severodonetsk, according to a statement obtained by Clipzilla from the Russian Ministry of Defence on Thursday, 14th March.
The crews reportedly returned to their base following the alleged anti-missile manoeuvre.
Ka-52 reconnaissance and attack helicopter commander ‘Malysh’ was quoted in the ministry’s statement as saying: “At the command post we received a combat mission to destroy an enemy stronghold in a forest plantation.

“We fired from a pitched position. According to the aircraft gunner’s report, the strong point was successfully hit.
“During the retreat, an enemy MANPADS [man-portable air-defence systems] was launched. The BKO complex worked perfectly. Everyone returned home.”