Patient Falls Out Of Back Of Moving Ambulance

Story By: Anastasia Smirnova, Sub EditorJoseph GolderAgency: Central European News

Video Credit: CEN/@KonstantinPuziri

This is the moment a patient falls out of the back of a moving ambulance and is left lying on the tarmac.

The shocking incident took place in the city of Novomoskovsk in eastern Ukraine’s Dnipropetrovsk Oblast region and was recorded on the dashboard camera of a vehicle driving behind.

In the video, the vehicle can be seen driving down the road when the doors of the ambulance swing open.

Picture Credit: CEN/@KonstantinPuziri

The driver then honks the horn as he approaches a dark object on the road which turns out to be the male patient.

He can be seen lying on the tarmac as the driver continues honking his horn before getting out and walking towards the man.

Two of the ambulance workers then come towards the man. Local media report he ended up with bruising to his head in the incident.

It is unclear why the patient was being taken to the hospital in the ambulance. Local media report he was eventually taken to a local hospital accompanied by cops. It is unclear if the police have launched an investigation into the incident.

Netizen ‘Anna Konda’ said: “I am deeply shocked.”

And ‘Gans Permyakov’ added: “Oh wow! Bet the paramedic and the ambulance driver were drunk. Things like that do happen here.”

While ‘R.T’ commented: “The driver is definitely to blame for not checking the back door properly. But there is no doubt that the patient was either drunk or high. Hope nobody would insist that the patient simply wanted to get out of the car.”

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