Owner Leaves Dog On Balcony With Bloody Wounds For Weeks

Story By: Koen Berghuis, Sub-Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News

Picture Credit: CEN/ Tiere in Not Odenwald e.V.

This young female dog was left suffering from bloody wounds all over her body and yelping in agony after her owner left her outside on a balcony for weeks when she developed a skin disease.

The images were taken after the dog, named Mirle, was brought to the animal shelter of local NGO ‘Tiere in Not Odenwald’ (‘Animals In Need Odenwald’) with barely any skin left on her body.

Neighbours had raised the alarm and the dog was then confiscated and handed over to an animal activist that took her to vets, who noted that the skin disease had left the pooch with bloody, festering wounds all over her body.

Reports state Mirle could not stop whining because of the agony her condition was causing.

The animal carers found out that Mirle is a Kangal Shepherd Dog and not even one year old.

According to local media, Mirle’s owner left the dog on its own on the balcony to brave the elements for weeks rather than take her to the vets.

On 7th February, animal shelter manager Miriam Henninger took the dog into custody. 

Mirle was put under anaesthesia so veterinarians could finally carefully clean her wounds.

Veterinarian Steffi Bissbort said: “The skin disease was probably caused by Demodex mites. 

“Actually, every dog carries them in their body. But when the immune system is weak, they can no longer be kept in check. It takes at least six weeks to develop such a serious disease. It is especially bad on the head. We were afraid that she might even have lost an eye. But we had some luck!”

Mirle survived her first night after the surgery went well.

Bissbort said: “She is eating, underwent the treatment very well, she is letting her wounds heal in peace and is already running around.”

The local veterinary inspection office in the German state of Hesse said it is aware of Merle’s situation.

It is not known if the dog’s owner has been charged with animal abuse.

A spokesperson of ‘Animals In Need Odenwald’ said that “intense, long and costly further treatment will follow in the next few days and weeks” to nurse Mirle back to full health.

The spokesperson said: “This will be 100 percent on the account of our NGO as the authorities have ruled out cost sharing.”

Those wanting to donate money towards Mirle’s can make a donation through PayPal.


Donations can also be made by transferring money to the following account by writing ‘Mirle’ in the reference line:

Account name: Tiere in Not Odenwald
Bank name: Volksbank Odenwald
IBAN: DE45 5086 3513 0001 9910 00