Moment 25 Stone MMA Fighter Knocked Out By Mighty Strike During Polish Slap Contest

This is the moment a 25-stone former MMA fighter is knocked out by a mighty strike during a slapping contest in Poland.

Brazilian former MMA fighter Wagner da Conceicao Martins, 43, better known as ‘Zuluzinho’ (‘Little Zulu’), was reportedly knocked out cold by Poland’s Karol ‘Bula’ Flilasinki, during the Polish slap tournament ‘PunchDown’.

During the tournament in the city of Wroclaw, Martins, the son of Brazilian fighting legend Casemiro Nascimento Martins (‘Rei Zulu’ [‘Zulu King’]), got off to a good start against his Polish rival, whom he managed to knock down, according to the news site Globo.

Former MMA fighter Wagner Conceicao Martins known as Zuluzinho. (@zuluzinho.martins/CEN)

However, Flilasinki got to his feet, shook off the blow, and slapped the fighter from the Brazilian state of Maranhao so hard he fell unconscious into the arms of two burly tournament assistants.

PunchDown was eventually won by Polish fighter Dawid Zalewski, his third championship win.

Martins, who reportedly weighs 160 kilogrammes (25.2 stone) and has a long career in MMA, was one of three Brazilian representatives at the Polish tournament.

Former MMA fighter Wagner Conceicao Martins known as Zuluzinho. (@zuluzinho.martins/CEN)

He shared two videos on Instagram for his 20,300 followers, with the first upload showing him knocking down his Polish opponent with a hefty slap.

In the video of Martins getting knocked out, the burly Polish fighter is seen sizing up his slap before unleashing a mighty blow to his opponent’s right ear that sends him falling to the floor.

The two assistants catch the unconscious MMA star’s fall and lower him slowly to the floor.

Former MMA fighter Wagner Conceicao Martins known as Zuluzinho. (@zuluzinho.martins/CEN)

According to PunchDown rules, participants take part in a knockout stage of one-v-one duels, hitting each other alternately on the cheek with an open hand with a maximum of three blows per person. The winner is decided by knockout or a judge’s verdict.

American influencer Charles White Jr, better known online as Cr1TiKaL, is credited with making the sport of slapping popular on western social media, often releasing commentaries and analysis clips on his popular YouTube channel.

The activity is considered a quasi-martial art form and is also known as ‘Slapboxing’.