A group of medical students fled in horror after a woman they were about to examine at a morgue suddenly got up and walked out of the building.
The anatomy students from the University of Benin Teaching Hospital were about to start an embalmment class on the ‘dead’ woman at the morgue in the city of Benin in Nigeria when the incident occurred, reported Atinkanews on 17th November.
The woman had been stripped naked for the class to begin when they noticed her moving, and she suddenly opened her eyes and then sat up before climbing off the table and walking out of the morgue.

The terrified students then fled outside as the naked woman walked over the grass clearly confused about where she was and how she had ended up there, and where her clothes were.
None of the worried students offered help or to provide clothes, and one of them grabbed their phone and recorded the bizarre scene as the woman walked in a bemused state across the grass outside of the building, with the shocked students seen backing away in horror.
The woman, who was not identified, had been dropped off at the morgue by her family after she was confirmed dead, according to Atinkanews.

Local media did not report on why the woman was declared dead or what she supposedly died of prior to being admitted to the morgue.
The video was widely shared on social media where many netizens pointed out that whoever diagnosed her as dead did not do a very good job.
Online commentator ‘iamwehdeh’ echoed the thoughts of many when they wrote: “Who declared her dead?”

And ‘murainaakeemolatunji’ said: “She was a woman in a coma, not a dead woman!”
It is not reported what action will be taken by the authorities.