Horror Animal Lab Faces Closure After Secret Abuse Clip

Story By: Kathryn Quinn, Sub EditorJoseph GolderAgency: Central European News

Video Credit: CEN/Cruelty Free International and SOKO Tierschutz

The horror lab where animal activists allegedly found monkeys strapped in metal harnesses and cats and dogs left bleeding is facing closure after the footage was released yesterday.

The scenes at the German laboratory in Mienenbuttel in Neu Wulmstorf, Lower Saxony became apparent after a joint investigation by Soko Tierschutz and Cruelty Free International after graphic footage was obtained as part of the joint operation after an undercover worker got a job at the lab.

After the footage was released authorities in the Harburg region conducted a spot check of the LPT (Laboratory of Pharmacology and Toxicology) facility and confirmed the allegations made by the animal activists.

Pictures Credit: CEN/Cruelty Free International and SOKO Tierschutz

A spokesman for the local authority said: “We found the cages were far too small, just as the activists claimed.”

The local regulation authority Laves – the Lower Saxony State Office for Consumer Protection and Food Safety has filed charges with the Public Prosecutor in Luneburg for alleged violations against animal protection laws.

Minister for Agriculture Barbara Otte-Kinast said: “If these allegations prove to be true, they would have to be punished and quick consequences be put in place.

Pictures Credit: CEN/Cruelty Free International and SOKO Tierschutz

“A possible revocation of the animal testing licence is being checked by Laves.”

If the licence is revoked, the animal testing lab would have to be closed with immediate effect.

The veterinary inspection office has also been questioned as to why they did not spot any irregularities during checks.

Pictures Credit: CEN/Cruelty Free International and SOKO Tierschutz

A spokesman said: “We are looking into this.”

The spokesman for the local authorities said: “The laboratory will now get the opportunity to fulfil the correct procedures and will receive a fine.”

Further checks will now be carried out to determine the future of the lab.

In Autumn 2018, the LPT Laboratory of Pharmacology an Toxicology put out an advert for new employees. One of the activists applied and was reportedly given a job.

Friedrich Mulln from Soko Tierschutz said: “In 2013, we also tried to get a job there, but were not successful. From December 2018 to March 2019 the undercover investigator worked in the lab.”

The worker reported seeing toxicology testing on the animals including beagles, monkeys, cats and rabbits reportedly carried out for companies in Germany as well as worldwide.

The undercover worker said the animals were kept in horrific conditions. Beagles reportedly had pipes forced down their throats and were given capsules, and were left suffering and often bleeding following the experiments.

Mullen said: “The animals were even still waggling their tails when they were being taken to be killed, the dogs were desperate for human contact.”

Mulln said: “The worst treatment was kept for the monkeys. The macaques bread of monkeys are small, relatively light primates, which are often used for animal experiments at LPT.

“They are kept in cramped conditions in small cages. Many of the animals have developed compulsive tendencies and are seen going round in circles.”

Photos show the monkeys strapped to seats in rows on the wall, others have their heads in restraints and are shown desperately trying to escape. According to the undercover activist, the animals are treated with violence by the workers, who are not trained animal carers.

The cats are reportedly often given up to 13 injections per day by untrained professionals and left to suffer.

The animal activists have reported the case to police who are investigating. They also claim the laws in Germany protecting animals from experiments are not strict enough and call for the laws to be tightened.

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