Furious Russian Beauty Queen Screams At Cabbie Over 70p

Story By:  Gheorghi CaraseniSub Editor:  Joseph GolderAgency: Central European News


This is the moment a wide-eyed Russian fitness instructor and former beauty queen screams and pummels a foreign taxi driver for charging her 70p extra because he had to wait eight minutes for her to show up.

The incident was filmed in the western Russian capital Moscow when pretty 28-year-old fitness trainer Yana Dankova, a former model who finished third at the 2012 Miss Tomsk beauty contest, was outraged at having to pay an extra 57 RUB (0.7 GPB), according to local media.


Reports said the taxi driver had to wait eight minutes for her to come to his car and the tearful ex-model exploded in anger when learning she had been charged for her tardiness.

The unnamed cabbie filmed the young woman attacking him with his dash cam and he later shared the footage on social media where it has been viewed over 11,000 times.

According to reports, the pretty passenger called the cabbie “scum” during her violent outburst.


At one point, she says: “Drive me to my location, you scum. Drive me moron as people will be arriving now and you’ll regret if you don’t.”

While repeatedly swearing at the man, she then says “is it because I am Russian?” suggesting the taxi driver is foreign and that he charged her 70p based on her race and not the eight-minute delay.


According to local media, Dankova, a fitness and Pilates instructor as well as a health nutritionist, has taken down her social media accounts following the incident.

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