Dutch Club Video Shows New Social Distancing Nightlife

Story ByMichael Leidig, Sub EditorJoseph GolderAgencyCentral European News

CEN/Cafe van Bommel

A Dutch club owner has created a funny video showing what his venue used to look like before coronavirus social distancing and what it could possibly look like in the future.

The footage shows how in order to make sure his ‘clubbers’ keep the required distance, he provides them with inflatable balls to put around themselves.

The video starts off with black-and-white shots showing people packed in the club dancing and having fun in the smoke-filled atmosphere is fireworks go off.

It then changes the date and shows people queuing outside in order to get their inflatable balls. A man in a hazmat suit hands them over, and people can only drink by having the waiter throw cans across to them to keep the distance.

It proves a problem for people in the lavatory, and on the dance floor 1.5 metres distance definitely lacks the enjoyment factor of the pre-2020 footage.

Tom Hamaekers from cafe Van Bommel in Maastricht said he made the video to underline the fact that he will not even earn a third of what he did previously with the half-metre distance model.

He said: “I looked everywhere I could, but it just isn’t possible to make it work.

The tongue-in-cheek video was shot at his club and shared on Facebook where attracted commentators like Niki Chambille who said: “Really funny, except it makes you cry.”

And Leon Keppels said: “Good luck Tom and staff, hopefully we will move to the Swedish model soon.”

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