Driving Cabbie Punched And Blinded By Passenger

Story ByJohn FengSub EditorJoseph GolderAgencyAsia Wire Report

Video Credit: AsiaWire

This footage shows a drunk customer repeatedly punching a cabbie in the face and even covering his eyes as he tries to get to a police station for help.

The taxi driver surnamed Lin said he picked up the drunk client at 1am in Hualien County in East Taiwan.

However, halfway through the journey the passenger allegedly began slurring his words and turned physically violent soon after.

Pictures Credit: AsiaWire

Footage taken on Lin’s mobile phone, which was attached to his dashboard like a natsav, shows him recording the bizarre incident as he speeds towards a nearby police station.

The drunk patron, surnamed Dai, can be seen shouting incoherently at the taxi driver, who manages to keep incredibly cool as he is punched over and over on the side of the face.

The passenger then tries to cover the cabbie’s eyes, leaving the driver having to peel the man’s fingers off his face.

The taxi is driven to Meilun Police Station as the video cuts to black, with Dai handed over to authorities together with the freshly recorded video evidence.

Lee Wei-yeh, deputy chief of the Meilun Police Station, said Lin drove himself to Hualien Hospital after giving a statement.

He suffered a bloody nose but was otherwise not seriously injured. The cabbie is pressing assault charges against the passenger, who has been detained.