DEADLY DELUGE: Horror Footage Of The Killer Mudslide

This is the terrifying aftermath of the deadly landslide that swept up to eight to their deaths and left hundreds homeless on the Italian island of Ischia.

The grim footage shows a sea of mud roaring downhill surrounded by the debris of the devastated region.

Uprooted trees are strewn everywhere and crushed houses and rubble have been scattered around like children’s building blocks.

The clip was filmed shortly after the landslide struck in the early hours of 26th November, when heavy rains brought tons of mud and rubble thundering down from the hills.

At least seven have been killed – including three children – and approximately 230 have been displaced, with five still classified as missing.

Ischia, Italy, after a landslide took place, undated video. Heavy rain hit the island of Ischia, located in the Tyrrhenian Sea, causing a landslide Saturday, Nov. 26, 2022. (CEN)

Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Matteo Salvini put the number of dead at eight.

According to local media, the landslide struck houses and parked cars, pushing them into the sea. There was also flooding that transformed roads into rivers.

Much of the damage was recorded in the municipality of Casamicciola Terme, which bore the brunt of the disaster.

Italian Interior Minister Matteo Piantedosi said a husband, a wife, and their newborn had been listed among the missing before they were found alive in their mud-covered home.

Ischia, Italy, after a landslide took place, undated video. Heavy rain hit the island of Ischia, located in the Tyrrhenian Sea, causing a landslide Saturday, Nov. 26, 2022. (CEN)

Another man was reported to have been pulled unscathed from floodwater.

Following the disaster, almost all residents remained stuck in their homes without electricity.

Police, firefighters and civil defence are currently working around the disaster site, and schools in several municipalities on Ischia have been closed.

The damages are expected to be costly.