Cops Find Missing Teens Dead Body On Plot Of Land Next To Exs House

Cops in Brazil have found the dead body of a missing teenage girl on a plot of land next to the house of her ex-boyfriend who is believed to have murdered her by strangling her and cutting her throat.

Jeniffer Capella do Amaral, 18, had been missing since 21st January, but was found dead on a plot of land next to her boyfriend’s house in the Brazilian municipality of Mage on 4th February.

The victim’s ex-boyfriend, 21-year-old Jorge Rio da Motta Neto and his current girlfriend, 20-year-old Maiara Silva Pacheco, were arrested on the same day.


During questioning, Neto, who is suspected of femicide and concealment of the corpse, allegedly confessed his guilt to the police, claiming he had no regrets and would do it again.

He also told his interrogators he did not think the body would be found.

The young victim was last seen getting into a taxi in the neighbourhood of Fragoso in Mage on the pretext of going to a friend’s house to spend the night.


However, she did not reach her apparent destination, and investigators found she had exchanged messages on Instagram with her ex, arranging to meet him instead.

According to local media, Jorge told Jeniffer that he ended his relationship with Maiara, and on the night of the crime, the victim went to his house where he reportedly suffocated her until she passed out before slashing her neck with a knife, which caused her death.

He is then believed to have wrapped her dead body in a sheet and quilt, and left it at the house he shared with his mother, who was not home at the time, before going to Maiara’s house to spend the night.


He returned home the next morning to allegedly bury the victim’s body in a neighbour’s plot of land where a house is under construction.

Jorge told the police that Maiara only learned of the crime on the day the body was discovered by the police. However, the police distrust her innocence and have placed both her and her boyfriend in preventive detention.

Jorge reportedly told the police that he killed his ex because she pressured him into ending two other relationships.


The investigation is ongoing.

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