Market Inspector Finds 5 Hissing Cobras In Water Bottles

Story ByLee Bullen,Sub EditorMichael Leidig,AgencyCentral European News


A market inspector has discovered five cobras trapped in water bottles at a Philippine food market after hearing them hissing from inside their plastic prisons.

The incident took place at the New Arranque Market in the Philippine capital Manila on 7th July when an inspector from the Market Administration Office (MAO) was viewing the premises.

According to Coconuts Manila news site, the inspector came across the five cobras when he heard them hissing from inside the plastic bottles they were kept in.

MAO director Zenaida Mapoy said in a statement: “When the market head was inspecting and overseeing the cleaning of vacant stores, he heard the hiss of the snakes so he searched where it was coming from.”

“That’s when he saw the five mineral water bottles containing the cobras.”


The MAO director added that the cobras posed a threat to members of the public and that officials will talk to the market stallholder about the incident.

The local authorities have yet to make any arrests as the investigation continues.

Meanwhile, the reptiles have been taken to the Public Recreations Bureau building in Manila until a permanent home elsewhere has been arranged.