Read more about the article MeToo: Mexico Congress Bans MPs Touching And Hugging
Picture Credit: CEN/@CongresoGto

MeToo: Mexico Congress Bans MPs Touching And Hugging

A Mexican state congress has banned MPs from touching and hugging to prevent possible sexual harassment. The Congress of the State of Guanajuato in central Mexico has issued an updated code of ethics for representatives and civil servants that includes a ‘dignified behaviour’ article. Picture Credit: CEN/@CongresoGto According to reports,…

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Read more about the article Spain Cops Bulldoze Catalans At Barca Airport With Van
Pic Shows: Moment protester is dragged by patrol car; This is the moment a police van appears to dangerously push back several Catalan protesters during the fiery Barcelona Airport protests prompting an internal investigation into the officers’ conduct.

Spain Cops Bulldoze Catalans At Barca Airport With Van

Story By: Ana Lacasa, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@centre_IRIDIA This is the moment a police van bulldozes into Catalan protesters during a demonstration at Barcelona Airport sparking an internal probe into the officers’ conduct. The Ministry of the Interior intend to investigate the Mossos d’Esquadra (Catalan police) officers involved in the incident…

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Read more about the article Cop Helicopter Intercepts Migrant Boat At Spanish Port
Pic Shows: Moment the helicopter lands while the boat with migrants are arriving to the seashore; This is the moment a police helicopter lands on the harbour wall to intercept a dinghy of immigrants arriving on the southern Spanish coast.

Cop Helicopter Intercepts Migrant Boat At Spanish Port

Story By: Jonathan Macias, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@Antoni0Gallego This is the moment a police helicopter lands on a harbour wall to intercept migrants in a dinghy arriving on the southern Spanish coast. The incident took place at the Cabo de Palos Seaport in the municipality of Cartagena in…

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Read more about the article Cops Humiliate Prostitutes In Lingerie For PR Stunt
Pic shows: Law enforcement authorities detained a gang operating a network of brothels in Kiev and the region. These pictures show young women handcuffed and forced to lie on the floor or stand dressed in their undies as Ukrainian cops film them to use in a PR campaign to crack down on prostitution.

Cops Humiliate Prostitutes In Lingerie For PR Stunt

Story By: Elena Kalioglo, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News These pictures show young women - some of whom appear to be crying - handcuffed and forced to lie on the floor or stand dressed in their underwear as Ukrainian cops film them to use in an anti-prostitution PR campaign. In some cases,…

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Read more about the article China Cops Chill Out With Suspect And Watch Army Parade
Pic Shows: The suspect (2nd R) watching China's 70th anniversary military parade with police officers who arrested him; These images show a police detainee watching China’s grandiose National Day celebrations with the cops who arrested him after he heard it starting on a television and asked to see the pageantry.

China Cops Chill Out With Suspect And Watch Army Parade

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This footage show a detained suspect in handcuffs chilling out in a police station with cops as they watch China’s massive military parade on TV together. The unnamed suspect held at the Huolonggang Police Station…

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