Read more about the article Neurosurgeons Remove Shell Fragment From Boy’s Brain
Photo shows Mykhailo Volovykov, 9, from Kherson, Ukraine, undated. He received a severe head wound during mortar shelling of the city. (Saint Nicholas Children's Hospital/Newsflash)

Neurosurgeons Remove Shell Fragment From Boy’s Brain

Neurosurgeons have removed a shell fragment from the brain of a nine-year-old boy in Ukraine who was injured on New Year's Eve by Russian mortar fire that killed his 11-year-old friend on the spot. Photo shows Mykhailo Volovykov, 9, from Kherson, Ukraine, undated. He received a severe head wound during…

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Read more about the article  60-Year-Old Beauty Wins Miss Universe Title
Alejandra Rodriguez poses in undated photo. She is the winner of Miss Universe Buenos Aires 2024. (Newsflash)

 60-Year-Old Beauty Wins Miss Universe Title

A 60-year-old beauty queen set to compete for the international Miss Universe title has given away the secrets of her amazing looks. Alejandra Rodriguez poses in undated photo. She is the winner of Miss Universe Buenos Aires 2024. (Newsflash) Journalist and lawyer Alejandra Rodriguez has just scooped the Miss Universe…

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Read more about the article How Black And White Newborns Were Swapped At Birth In Incredible Hospital Bungle
Picture shows young Giovana, undated. Giovana Leite de Araujo, 27, from Curitiba, Brazil, discovered that she was not her parents' biological daughter. (@giovanarazini/Newsflash)

How Black And White Newborns Were Swapped At Birth In Incredible Hospital Bungle

A white woman who was accidentally swapped at birth in hospital with a black baby born on the same day has told of her shock at discovering the truth about her mum. Picture shows young Giovana, undated. Giovana Leite de Araujo, 27, from Curitiba, Brazil, discovered that she was not…

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Read more about the article After Fighting Off Cancer Seven Times Boy Faces Trial Therapy
Nathanael, 13, poses in undated photo. The boy from the town of Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony State, Germany, suffers from a malignant brain tumor. (Newsflash)

After Fighting Off Cancer Seven Times Boy Faces Trial Therapy

The family of a teenage boy, who has fought off cancer seven times in a decade has told how they're pinning their hopes on a radical new treatment to kill off tumours. Nathanael, 13, poses in undated photo. The boy from the town of Cuxhaven, Lower Saxony State, Germany, suffers…

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Read more about the article Make Up Star Shows Scars And Stretch Marks To Inspire Other Women
Photo shows Russian make-up artist and influencer Goar Avetisyan, 30, undated. Goar showed her scars to inspire women to accept their bodies. (@goar_avetisyan/CEN)

Make Up Star Shows Scars And Stretch Marks To Inspire Other Women

A gorgeous Russian make-up influencer has shown her scars and stretch marks in a bid to inspire other women. Goar Avetisyan, 30, has posted the video of her body for her 12 million Instagram followers. She said: "You can’t imagine how scared I was to shoot and post this…

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