Read more about the article Mary Celeste Cruise Liner Discovered By Fishing Vessel
Pic Shows: The cruise ship being towed back to China; CHINA: A fishing boat has found a luxury cruise liner “ghost ship” which is eerie empty and floating aimlessly off the coast of China.

Mary Celeste Cruise Liner Discovered By Fishing Vessel

Story By: Scott Feng, Sub-Editor:Jamie King, Agency: AsiaWire Video Credit: AsiaWire A fishing boat has found an empty Mary Celeste-like cruise liner which was eerily empty and floating aimlessly off the coast of China. The triple-deck vessel was discovered in the East China Sea roughly 300 nautical miles from the city of…

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Read more about the article Embarrassed Woman Swallows Toothbrush But Says Nothing
Pic shows: The toothbrush which a woman accidentally swallowed while trying to help herself to vomit. A woman who accidentally swallowed her toothbrush was too embarrassed to tell anybody and had to be rushed to hospital the next day in agony. The woman, named only as H.I.F. by local officials and who is aged 27, pushed the 15cm (6 ins) long toothbrush down her throat to make herself sick after she felt ill from eating food cooked on a barbecue. But her gag reflex made her accidentally swallow the toothbrush in the incident at her home in the Milas district of south-western Turkey's Mugla Province. H.I.F., a sales consultant, was too embarrassed to say anything and went to bed hoping the toothbrush would work its way through her digestive system. But she awoke the next morning in agony and ended up confessing what she had done to her husband, who immediately drove her to the nearby Bodrum State Hospital. H.I.F. said: "I went to the toilet and tried to vomit with the help of the toothbrush. While I was trying to vomit, I swallowed the toothbrush. I was so shocked I couldn’t say a thing to anybody." Doctors examined her and decided she needed specialist help. They transferred her to the Mugla Sitki Kocman Univesity Training and Research Hospital in the city of Mugla. She was seen by gastroenterologist Dr Burak Ozseker who managed to locate and remove the toothbrush by means of an upper endoscopy - a thin, flexible tube with a camera on the tip - without the need for surgery. Dr Ozseker said: "She had swallowed the toothbrush accidentally. But she did not ask for medical help until the next day, about 15 to 16 hours later. "The 15 cm long object had partially passed the stomach, it was almost half in the duodenum (the shortest part of the small intestine) which is a critical place. "With the help of the anesthaesia team, we completed the endoscopy of the patient. None of the organs were damaged during the intervention. We are happy we released her from the

Embarrassed Woman Swallows Toothbrush But Says Nothing

Story By: Sibel Abdiu, Sub-Editor:Michael Leidig,Agency:Central European News Picture Credit: CEN A woman who accidentally swallowed her toothbrush was too embarrassed to tell anybody and had to be rushed to hospital the next day in agony. The woman, named only as H.I.F. by local officials and who is aged 27,…

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Read more about the article Wild Horses Charge Woman In Street And Stomp Her To Death
Pic Shows: The woman was killed on the spot; INDIA: A herd of horses have charged an elderly woman carrying vegetables and trampled her to death.

Wild Horses Charge Woman In Street And Stomp Her To Death

Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub-Editor:Jamie King, Agency:Asia Wire Report A herd of wild horse muggers have been rounded up by cops after they attacked a greengrocer to steal her leafy vegetables and stomped her to death in the process. The incident took place in the city of Mysore in the south-western Indian state…

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Read more about the article Half-Naked Serial Flasher Shocks Client At Barbershop
Pic Shows: The half naked flasher enters the barbershop; This is the moment a serial flasher with no trousers on is wrestled onto a sofa and arrested after trying to show off his genitals in a barbershop. The bizarre incident took place in Kazan, the capital city of the Republic of Tatarstan, in western Russia and was captured by the barbeshop’s CCTV camera. In the video, a barber can be seen cutting a man hair when they are interrupted by a reported serial flasher who runs into the shop wearing no trousers. The half-naked man screams as he runs in, knocking boxes off shelves before heading towards the customer. He starts grappling with the young customer before being wrestled onto a sofa by the shop’s security who ends up stood behind him in a compromising position. The security guard pulls the flasher’s arms behind his back and leads him out of the shop with reports stating he was then handed over to cops. Local media report the detainee had visited several shops and cafes with no trousers on before being caught. According to reports, earlier this December the same man showed his naked bum to the visitors of 'Park House', a popular shopping centre in the city. The flasher will be taken for a psychiatric examination and if he is determined to be sane he reportedly faces a fine. Social media user 'Oleg Gribanov' said: "The temperature in the street is around minus 14 these days, I wonder if he did not fear freezing his privates off?"

Half-Naked Serial Flasher Shocks Client At Barbershop

Story By: Roksana Panashchuk, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN This is the moment a serial flasher with no trousers on is wrestled onto a sofa and arrested after trying to show off his genitals in a barbershop. The bizarre incident took place in Kazan, the…

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Read more about the article Manhunt For Pervert Who Grabs And Sniffs Dirty Nappies
Pic shows: The stolen diapers which were later dumped in a nearby forest Police are hunting a pervert suspected of making off with dirty nappies from bins outside nursery schools to sniff them for kicks. The bizarre activity is the talk of the town of Dongen in the province of Noord Brabant in the southern Netherlands. Nicole Mallens, the head of one of the town's nursery schools, said she once spotted the man in action from a window. She said: "I saw him taking out bags of nappies to tie them to his bike. He left the bin lid open. And then he cycled away." Ms Mallens described him as aged about 19. She gave chase in her car but lost track of him when he cycled into a nearby forest. She said: "I tried to film him but that was quite hard. I'm not sure if I would recognise him again if I saw him in town. "Parents who pick up their children have also often seen a youngster matching his description rummaging around the bins." Ms Mallens believes the nappy thief is a person with a bizarre fetish: "We think he just sniffs the nappies and then throws them away," she said. The thief has reportedly been stealing nappies for years from bins at multiple nursery schools in Dongen and surrounding villages. Many of the nappies have later been found dumped in a forest outside the nearby village of 's Gravenmoer (correct). One local woman, who has reported 11 cases of nappies being dumped, said it was obvious the nappies had been opened The woman, who asked not to be named, said: "In the last few weeks, there have been more and more such cases. It gives me an unsafe feeling. "You never know what kind of person it is and how he would react if he sees me walking here. It is a person with a very weird fetish." Police have launched an investigation and say the man might even face charges of theft, as well as flytipping for dumping the nappies in the forest. A spokesman said: "We are performing extra surveillance near the affected nursery schools and the dumping spots kno

Manhunt For Pervert Who Grabs And Sniffs Dirty Nappies

Story By: Koen Berghuis, Sub-Editor:Michael Leidig,Agency:Central European News Picture Credit: CEN Police are hunting a pervert suspected of making off with dirty nappies from bins outside nursery schools to sniff them for kicks. The bizarre activity is the talk of the town of Dongen in the province of Noord Brabant…

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