Read more about the article Over 100 Parcels In Canal As Courier Forgets Handbrake
Pic shows: The courier retrieving his pedicab with the help of a crane. CHINA: This is the moment a courier forgets to put on the handbrake of his pedicab and is left speechless as the vehicle rolls into a canal carrying over 100 undelivered parcels.

Over 100 Parcels In Canal As Courier Forgets Handbrake

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency:Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a courier forgets to put the handbrake on his pedicab which is carrying over 100 undelivered parcels and is left looking stunned when he returns to find it has rolled between a…

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Read more about the article WPC Mixes Accelerator With Brake And Runs Over Woman
Pic Shows: Moment the granny is run over by the female cop; ARGENTINA: This is the moment a female cop runs over an elderly woman crossing the road at a zebra crossing after claiming she mixed up the accelerator pedal with the brakes.

WPC Mixes Accelerator With Brake And Runs Over Woman

Story By: Angjela Trajkovska, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN This is the moment a female cop runs over an elderly woman crossing the road at a zebra crossing later saying she mixed up the accelerator pedal with the brakes. The accident took place in the city of Ciudadela in…

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Read more about the article Bungling Woman Driver Crashes Her Way Into Service Area
Pic shows: Driver Cai next to her crashed Audi. CHINA: This is the moment a woman crashes her way into a service area after turning off a motorway at speed and understeering right into the back of a parked car.

Bungling Woman Driver Crashes Her Way Into Service Area

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency:Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This is the moment a speeding woman driver crashes into a service area and smashes a parked car out of the way leaving her own vehicle stopped on the same spot. The accident happened in…

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Read more about the article Boy Suffers Face Burns As Bangers Explode In His Hands
Pic Shows: The boy injured his face during the fireworks explosion; CHINA: This young boy suffered painful burns to his face when a string of bangers he lit suddenly exploded in his hands.

Boy Suffers Face Burns As Bangers Explode In His Hands

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency:Asia Wire Report Picture Credit: AsiaWire These images show a boy who suffered painful burns to his face when a string of bangers he had lit suddenly exploded in his hands. The 13-year-old boy, who has not been named, is being treated…

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Read more about the article Engine Ripped Out And Sent Flying In Shocking Crash
Pic Shows: The car crash; POLAND: This is the moment the engine of a Ford Focus is ripped out and sent flying into another vehicle in a startling car crash at a snowy junction.

Engine Ripped Out And Sent Flying In Shocking Crash

Story By: Bartosz Staszewski, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Central European News Video Credit: CEN/@jaworznoPL This is the moment the engine of a Ford Focus is ripped out by a Land Rover that sends it flying into another vehicle as it speeds through a snowy junction despite there being a…

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