Read more about the article 6ft Steel Bar Impales Builders Chest And Comes Out Back
Pic Shows: Workman Mr Zhang arriving with the reinforced steel bar in his chest and back; CHINA: A hospital has snatched a construction worker from the ‘jaws of death’ after he fell onto a 6-foot metal bar which impaled his chest and came out his back.

6ft Steel Bar Impales Builders Chest And Comes Out Back

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire These images show a six-foot metal bar inside a builder's chest after it impaled him and came out his back before medics removed it and saved his life. The patient Mr Zhang, 45, reportedly lost his footing at a building site in Zibo,…

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Read more about the article Worker Buried In Gravel Freed By Rescuers
Pic Shows: Firefighters freeing the worker buried under gravel; CHINA: This footage shows firefighters racing against time to dig up a construction worker who has been buried under several feet of gravel.

Worker Buried In Gravel Freed By Rescuers

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This footage shows firefighters racing against time to dig up a construction worker who has been buried under several feet of gravel. The unnamed worker from the county of Yuechi in China’s south-western province of Sichuan had been inspecting a gravel crusher conveyor…

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Read more about the article Boy Freed After Head Trapped Between 2 Concrete Pillars
Pic Shows: The boy trapped between the two pillars; CHINA: This viral video with nearly five million views shows firefighters freeing a crying boy who has trapped his head between two concrete pillars at his school.

Boy Freed After Head Trapped Between 2 Concrete Pillars

Story By: John Feng, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report Video Credit: AsiaWire This viral video with nearly five million views shows firefighters freeing a young boy who trapped his head between two concrete pillars at school. The fire service was called to Jinguang Elementary School in the county of Yanggao, which is in Datong City…

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Read more about the article Tree Crashes Through Moving Bus Windscreen Like Bomb
Pic Shows: Moment the tree fell over the moving bus; CROATIA: This is the moment a huge tree suddenly crashes through the windscreen of a moving bus with the driver being praised for his calm reactions and consideration for passengers.

Tree Crashes Through Moving Bus Windscreen Like Bomb

Story By: Angjela Trajkovska, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: CEN Video Credit: CEN This is the moment an ultra-calm bus driver reassures passengers after a huge tree crashes through the windscreen of his moving vehicle "like a bomb going off". The incident was filmed by the bus CCTV camera in the town of Omis in the southern Croatian region…

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Read more about the article Five Middle School Students Drown During Group Picnic
Pic Shows: The drowning incident has killed five students; VIETNAM: These are the tragic images of five dead middle school students who drowned during a group picnic near a dam.

Five Middle School Students Drown During Group Picnic

Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Asia Wire Report These are the tragic images of five dead middle school students who drowned on a picnic one day after their headmaster warned them not to play near water if they were poor swimmers. According to reports, the unnamed victims were eighth graders at Trung Thanh Middle…

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