Story By: Lee Bullen, Sub Editor: Joseph Golder, Agency: Newsflash
This strange -looking little moggy has been found in a container in Germany after seemingly stowing-away in North Africa and travelling across the Mediterranean and southern Europe.
The runaway feline ended up in the southern German state of Bavaria in a shipping container and local authorities believe the moggy made the long journey across the Mediterranean and southern Europe from Tunisia without food or water.
The long period of time spent without food or possibly also left the cat with the unusual markings looking distinctly scrawny.
It is believed to have crossed sea and land until arriving at a Bavarian company in the town of Alzenau where workers called the police after hearing a strange noise coming from inside the closed container.
The police arrived on the scene and promptly found the hungry cat inside the shipping container, according to news site Tunisie Numerique.
The adventurous moggy was then taken care of by a local vet.
A police spokesperson in the Bavarian town of Alzenau said: “The cat may have hopped on a trailer in Tunisia.”
It is unclear what will happen to the roaming cat once it has been treated by vets, although several locals commented on social media that police should attempt to find the original owner by sharing the image on social media in Tunisia before handing it over to a new owner.
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