Busty Satanic Porn Star Reveals She Suffers With Schizophrenia

The Satanic porn star who founded her own cult has revealed that she has suffered with schizophrenia since she was a child.

Argentine porn star and Playboy model Sabrina Sabrok, real name Lorena Fabiana Colotta, 45, revealed her mental health condition while promoting her single ‘Esquizofrenia’ (‘Schizophrenia’)

Sabrok, who now lives in the US state of Texas, has launched a singing career and she used her single to talk about her battle with mental health.

Sabrina Sabrok who confessed that she is suffering from Schizophrenia. (@sabrinasabrokreal/Newsflash)

She said: “I have a condition known as schizophrenia, I hear voices and see things. I cope and have it under control, but it is something that is always there, that is why I wanted to talk about it in the song I’ve released on digital platforms.

Sabrok, who said she has had schizophrenia since childhood, added: “I wanted to tell people something they don’t know about me, sometimes the media says the wrong things so I ask them to not believe everything they say.

“All the time, I say one thing and something completely different comes out in the article and it is logical I worry so much.”

Sabrina Sabrok who confessed that she is suffering from Schizophrenia. ( @sabrinasabrokreal/Newsflash)

She added that “it is better to confess everything I have lived” in the form of a song.

Sabrok said her childhood was hard because of the medicine she was on, which she gave up in her adult life because it was “very strong” and would make her “so addicted that I found it hard to quit”.

She added: “Schizophrenia is a mental illness that I have had since I was a child and I have never wanted to take medication, I prefer to be crazy like that. The rules are not for me, I don’t care what they say. I did not like living as a slave to drugs, I remember that I spent all day foggy and people took advantage of it.

Sabrina Sabrok who confessed that she is suffering from Schizophrenia. ( @sabrinasabrokreal/Newsflash)

“When I was able to choose for myself, I decided to live with my madness.”

In 2019, Sabrok launched her own cult called ‘Sabrok Legion’, which offers interested parties the chance to make pacts with the Devil and ‘Our Lady of Holy Death’, as well as learn how to cast love charms and speak with the dead.

She also claims to be able to parley with Satan himself and that “everything I do is because I made a pact with him”.

Sabrina Sabrok who confessed that she is suffering from Schizophrenia. (@sabrinasabrokreal/Newsflash)

Sabrok, who reportedly has Rh negative blood, also claimed that she was an alien, telling local media: “I worked with researchers and they told me that my blood type is not from this planet.”

In 2018, she also expressed her desire to undergo surgery to achieve “the biggest fake bum in the world” to match her enormous breasts.