Brave Fox Crosses Runway In Front Of Jet For Take-Off

Story By: Ginger Mahotchina, Sub EditorJoseph GolderAgency: Central European News

Video Credit: CEN/@Vladimir Monev

This is the moment a brave fox risks its life to scamper in front of a passenger plane on the runway just as its about to take-off.

The incident was filmed at Sheremetyevo International Airport, the largest of four international airports that serve the western Russian capital Moscow, and the video was widely shared on social media.

Picture Credit: CEN/@Vladimir Monev

In the footage, a fox is seen bravely scampering across the runway in front of a huge plane with its engines blaring.

After the fox makes it to a grassed clearing, the plane is heard setting off on its journey.

Video Credit: CEN/CityDomodedovo

According to local media, the pilot was preparing to take off when he noticed a wild animal approaching the runway.

Reports said the noise of the noise of the engines frightened the fox and it quickened its pace before disappearing from view.

It is not known how the animal got on the runway, but it is not the first time a fox has caused minor disruption at a Russian airport.

Last month, a fox reportedly appeared on a baggage carousel and surprised passengers at Domodedovo Moscow Airport.

An airport spokesperson told local media: “According to our CCTV footage, the fox spent several minutes inside the terminal building, although it did not approach any passengers.

“The animal left the terminal of its own accord and from that moment, unfortunately, we do not know where it went.”

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