Botched Tooth Veneer Ruins Pretty Influencers Sexy Smile

Story ByMaja Mishevksa, Sub EditorMarija StojkoskaAgencyNewsflash

These images show the damaged teeth of a beautiful Colombian influencer who ruined her pearly whites with a ‘botched’ dental veneer.

The popular process involves durable shells of tooth-coloured material that are bonded to the surface of a tooth to supposedly enhance its appearance.

However, Manuela Gomez Franco alleges in her case that at least one of her teeth was filed down to almost nothing so that the veneers could be fitted in place.


She admits she had not really thought about the fact that the process was irreversible, and that the veneers needed to be constantly replaced.

Speaking to her fans on Instagram and Youtube she posted pictures of how she looks when the veneers have fallen off, and showing the remnants of her real teeth underneath to warn her followers.

She wrote: “Hi, how are you doing? this video is very informative, I want to tell you about my experience with this “wonderful” smile design. As you can see, I was left gap-toothed, one of the veneers fell down. It is the third time it has happened.”


Manuela admitted she followed the fashion trend blindly, and now she regrets it but wanted others to avoid making the same mistake.

She added: “I want to tell you and advise you not to follow trends. We do not always have to do what other people do just because it is trending, and this video is to make you aware, to analyze, and to investigate first before doing a smile design, as it causes irreparable damage.”

The woman, who also works as DJ, described the consequences of the aesthetic procedure, saying: “My natural teeth are almost transparent, they eroded a lot and that is why I am doing this, so you are very careful before taking any kind of decision like this that could completely ruin your teeth as well.”

She added: “I will not be able to use my natural teeth any more. Sadly, I now need to have a smile design for my entire life, because this is what is protecting, the remaining natural tooth. If I am left with my natural teeth, they hurt and are too sensitive.”

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