Story By: Ana Marjanovic, Sub-Editor: Michael Leidig, Agency: Newsflash
A man accused of a violent sex attack on his stunning Miss Turkey beauty queen ex-lover has walked free after a court ruled she had beaten herself up.
Tayfun Kilic, 28, had been facing 20 years in prison after being accused of the attack on June 16, 2021.
His ex-girlfriend Dilara Kursun, 25, told police he had driven her to a forested area, ripped off her clothes, and beaten her in a horrific sexual assault after they had broken up.

But Kilic was acquitted when the court believed his evidence that she had ripped her own clothes and injured herself so she could blame him.
Kikilc had told the court he had not “harmed a hair on her head.”
Beauty Dilara -from the north-west Turkish province of Istanbul – broke up with Kilic in May 2021 but he reportedly spent weeks trying to win her back.

The following month Dilara – a contestant in the 2016 Miss Turkey pageant – claimed that her ex had attacked her.
According to the model, Kilic called her asking to see her one last time, as it would have been their anniversary that day.
She agreed to meet him but claimed he became violent when she turned down his plea to get back together.

She told police he had forced her into his car and driven to a forest in the Kumkoy area.
Once there – she claimed – Kilic beat her before ripping off her clothes and sexually assaulting her.
Kilic denied the accusations, but prosecutors charged him with qualified sexual assault, insult and threat.

But in court, her story fell apart and Kilic walked free after claiming all her injuries were self-inflicted.
He said: “Our relationship continued uninterrupted until the date of the crime. The last time we had been together was on June 13, 2021.
“Since it was our anniversary the next day (June 16), I drove her to her parents’ house so she could get ready, and I picked her up in the evening.

“For our anniversary celebration the next day (June 16), I had reserved a special table at a beach in Kilyos, made preparations and set out to pick up the complainant from her house.
“When I arrived, I called the complainant downstairs, she got into the car and we went together to the place in Kilyos. There was already a curfew, no one was around.
“There was a table on the beach. We sat and chatted for a while. Maybe we had a glass of alcohol. We had fights during our relationship, but we always got back together.”

The defendant continued: “Then the complainant got up from the table, took the car key, got in my car and left. I waited for 40 minutes and then I started walking.
“About an hour later, she came and picked me up by car. When we got to my house, she parked the car, called a taxi and wanted to leave.
“I did not want her to leave, I was insisting that she did not go.

“We had problems, I wanted to solve them. My fault was that I insisted that she did not go, I told her not to call the police, but she did.
“The police came, and we went to the police station. Our messaging continued even inside the police station, but it didn’t help, she was determined to report me.”
Asked whether he had sexually assaulted the model and torn her blouse, the defendant said: “It is out of the question that I tore the complainant’s blouse, I did not engage in any sexual acts against her, I did not even harm a hair on her head.

“She made all the injuries on her body herself. I deny all the accusations.”
Prosecutors had called for a 20-year prison sentence for the defendant, however, the court ruled that there was insufficient evidence and Kilic was acquitted of all charges.