Ballerina Slammed For Dry-Ice Party After Recent Deaths

Story By: Gheorghi CaraseniSub Editor:  Joseph GolderAgency: Newsflash


The Russian ballerina famously sacked from the Bolshoi Ballet company for being too “fat” has caused outrage by using dry ice at her party weeks after three people died in a related incident in Moscow.

Three people died at the end of February after 25 kilogrammes of dry ice were added to a swimming pool and they reportedly suffocated.

Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide and if released in an area without proper ventilation, it can cause people to inhale dangerous quantities of the gas.


Ballet dancer Anastasia Volochkova, 44, used dry ice during a party she held and she shared the footage on Instagram for her 1.1 million followers.

In the footage, dry ice covers a table as loud music plays and waiters hold sparklers.

However, many followers were unimpressed with the dancer’s lavish celebration and reminded her of the swimming pool incident several weeks ago.


One follower commented: “After the recent incident, it is scary to see dry ice.”

Another netizen said: “This is horrible, do you not understand the dangers?”


One Instagram user wrote: “People continue to play around with death.”

Following the online backlash, Volochkova responded: “My beloved partner decided to surprise me, nothing special. We did not throw loads of dry ice into a swimming pool or anything like this.”

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